Missionary Spotlight: Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament
We are blessed to serve the spiritual needs of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (founded by Mo...
Saint John Paul the Great
Almost everyone knows of Pope John Paul II (now a saint!), but did you know that the Church official...
We want to pray for your intentions!
As you know, one of the mainstays of our life here at the Friary is prayer--particularly prayer in f...
What’s around the bend
Here in our community, our life and apostolates strive for a balance that provides ample time for pr...
Media Spotlight: The Church Universal
Later on this month, Fr. Joseph will spend several days taping more episodes of EWTN’s “The Church U...
Get to know us better
There are many ways to get to know a religious community. One of them is to familiarize yourself wit...
In the Footsteps of St. Francis
This week, we celebrate the feastday of Saint Francis of Assisi (October 4th), well known throughout...
The Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi
The Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John (13:1-17)...
Patron Saints of Communications
Today we celebrate the feast of the archangels: Gabriel, Raphael and Michael. This feast day takes o...