Fr. Paschal Mary
About Fr. Paschal Mary
MFVA Priest
Fr. Paschal Mary, MFVA comes from Ohio. After high school he became a seminarian for the Diocese of Toledo, OH. He was sent to Pontifical College Josephinum to study philosophy and began his training for the priesthood. While in seminary he met seminarians that had an interest in religious life. He earned a bachelor degree in philosophy and literature from the Josephinum. Following his graduation he left the diocese and joined the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word in October 2006. Since his entrance he has overseen remodeling projects at the Annunciation Friary worked in varied studio production positions at EWTN. He professed final vows on August 2, 2011. Currently he assists with Community renovation projects and MFVA Media. Br. Paschal was ordained a deacon on June 2, 2012. He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Robert Baker on June 22, 2013. Father serves as our Vocation Director, and is the Administrator of the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama.