Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thanksgiving, Advent, and the Christmas season are quickly approaching. These seasons and celebrations are opportunities to grow closer to Christ and radiate His love. However, it’s also a difficult time for many people. Some of us are lonely, others could be grieving the loss of a loved one or our ill health may prevent us from participating in celebrations like we once did. There is hope in whatever hardship we are suffering. God is present everywhere. He is working in our lives. Everything went wrong for Saint Joseph and Blessed Mother before and after the birth of Jesus. They could not find an inn or clean room. The Son of God had to be born in a stable. His presence brought light and love into the world. King Herod soon learned about His birth and ordered the execution of all male children under 2 years old. St. Joseph being warned in a dream, took Mary and the Infant Jesus to Egypt.
The hardships in Jesus’ entire earthly life gives us hope. God turned tragedies into glorious triumphs. We can be joyful and thankful in whatever circumstance we are in. It begins with looking to Jesus, giving the problem to Him, and then thinking about all of the hardships He endured throughout His life to save us. This is a very easy way to strengthen our relationship with Christ. It is a path to making His life our own and bringing us peace in our trials. Though we are inflicted with sufferings, our life can still shine with the love of Jesus as we reflect on the mysteries of His life. God does His greatest transformative work of charity within us at these times. He is with us and working within us. St. Paul says, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). God bless you.
– Fr. Leonard Mary, MFVA
Yes, please let Father Joseph M Wolfe. Know that I truly believe his writings in the Family Newsletter
“Chirstmas 2024”
about how Jesus was welcomed and adoration of his birth in Bethlehem.
I know and think selfishness, when I don’t get the things I want,
Jesus does remind us of he was born in a manager, God’s grace is sufficient. Please forward to fr. Joseph Wolfe, thank you!!
Thank you for this reminder and beautiful message. Merry Christmas, Franciscan brothers!