Dear Family, I love the saying, “Only the good die young” because it is true. God created us good. It is only after the age of reason that we are able to sin. We make a lot of bad choices.
I think of this saying in the month of April because it is the anniversary of my nephew’s death. Isaac died two times! The second time he died was on April 3rd, eleven days before his second birthday. He was so young and he was good. His mother said he loved to be held. It was hard for her to get work done. I would go and visit them. I would hold Isaac for hours. I would get deep spiritual insight when I thought about Jesus holding me. Jesus loves to hold us in His arms. The problem is that we get older and think we can live without Jesus. When we try to live without Jesus we fall flat on our faces. We must be child-like in order to enter into Heaven. A baby is dependent and trusting. They have no worries. If we are trusting that God will take care of all our needs then we will have no worries. A baby wants to be loved and gives love freely. Let us be like children.
My nephew, Isaac, had one of those faces you could not stop kissing. I think of him a lot. I can not wait to get to Heaven so I can kiss that adorable face. Only the good die young so I guess I will be here a long time. Jesus loves you and me and He cannot wait for us to be with Him in Heaven. Thank you Isaac for helping me to be child-like.
– Br. Leo Mary
Thank you Brother Leo. You now have sweet Isaac as an angel to watch over you. Thank you for your words to encourage us to always trust in Jesus; He is always holding us in His loving arms.
I love this and the words are sooo true. Baby Isaac left an indelible mark on all the souls that were fortunate to meet and hold him. I was among those blessed. Heaven gained a special Saint when God brought Isaac home. Baby Isaac, pray for us and help us be good and holy like you 💕🙏🙌🏻
I’m so sorry for the loss of your nephew.
My husband and I had two early miscarriages last year and it is very difficult.
I used to tell my grandma that ‘only the good die young… so what does that say about you?’ And we’d laugh.
May. He. Rest. In. Peace. God. Bless
God Bless your family Brother Leo🙏💙
Isaac is a beautiful baby, Resting In the arms of Jesus now.I list my boy at 35 just coming up on 7 year’s now!🙏💙
Hi Brother Leo. My family, friends, and I prayed for Isaac, for his mom and dad, his siblings, and all of your family. Our Lord knows best. I also never tire of seeing those eyes. We know where he is. Many blessings to you and your family. Rest in Peace dear Isaac. Thank you for all the lessons you taught us. God bless you.
Thank you that was a wonderful tribute to baby Isaac.
Awe, Brother Leo, I am so sad for you and Isaac’s family. He is definitely in Heaven with the Angels!!
I remember praying for him every day now I pray for him and your beautiful family. I sent a prayer blanket to your family he comes up on memories. God bless you all. How is your family Father Leo.
A touching tribute to your nephew. Such a beautiful baby.
Thank you Br. Leo for posting such a touching tribute to Isaac. He touched many lives while he was here. There was a purpose in his life because God doesn’t create anything or anyone without a purpose. God bless you and your family.
Beautiful!!!Thanks, Brother Leo .
He is with Jesus. Beautiful little baby boy.
God Bless
Marilyn,Joan and Marion
A beautiful reflection, Br. Leo.
Thanks for that simple wisdom!
i have a nephew, Isiah Jan 25yr old who died of ruptured appendix, his doctors said he would be okay but… we are all so heartbroken.. am asking for prayers for us all to accept the “the good die young” thank you Bro. Leo
Dear Fr. Leo Mary, may God ichly bless you and your sister for all the loving care you gave to sweet Isaac during his short time on Earth. Thank you for sharing this memory and reflection. 💖🙏
Dear Brother Leo this is a beautiful tribute for your nephew but also for Life.
I remember so well when Isaac was sick, and then finally rested in God’s arms. I hope you find some consolation in knowing so many of us are spiritually still holding Isaac. Thank you brother Leo for giving him this tribute.