There is a lot of excitement around here about the upcoming EWTN Family Celebration that will be held in Worcester, Massachusetts from September 7th-11th. If you are local, we hope you will bring your family out to this free event. There will be opportunities for Mass, Confession, and much more!
The focus this year is on the 100th Anniversary of Fatima and all ages will enjoy the celebration. There will be many activities for children, including the opportunity to visit EWTN’s Faith Factory. Adults will benefit from the variety of speakers that are scheduled to attend.
How can you prepare to join us at the EWTN Family Celebration? Begin by taking care of the practicals, such as visiting the website for all the details. After you’ve done that, implement these six things so that your family will get the most out of this opportunity to grow spiritually!
1.) Add us to your prayer list – Please include the EWTN Family Celebration, all those who are planning and preparing for it, and those who will attend as a part of your daily prayers.
2.) Turn on your T.V. – Let your kids enjoy some of the programming on EWTN’s Faith Factory before they arrive at the Family Celebration so that they will be familiar with The Donut Man and Br. Leo. Adults can tune into Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s “EWTN Live” or Marcus Grodi’s “The Journey Home.” Both of these men will be speaking at the celebration!
3.) Go to Adoration – Spend some time with the Lord and ask Him to prepare your heart to learn and grow in your faith. Be sure to take your children with you.
4.) Invite a friend – If you’re really looking for a way to make this a memorable experience, invite a friend to come along with you.
5.) Read a book – There will be several authors presenting during the celebration. Reading one of the books they have written will help you come prepared with questions.
6.) Tell your children the story of Fatima – Because the theme this year is the 100th Anniversary of Fatima, it would be helpful for all those attending to know a little about this apparition and its significance for our Church.
I pray that the Friars, staff, volunteers and participants in the Event will be safe and sound from the Hurricane if it makes landfall. Safe journey, and may the Lord and Mary be with you all this weekend (and always).
I was wondering where Fr. Anthony has been, I have not seen him on EWTN for some time now.
When will Fr. Anthony Mary return to having morning masses on EWTN. We miss him
I have not seen Fr. Anthony Mary for sometime In EWTN 🙏🏼