IRONDALE, Ala. – Friars and employees of the EWTN facilities warehouse, religious catalogue building and the shortwave radio station gather for their annual blessings on Friday.

Fr. Leonard Mary led the blessings and processions.  Accompanying him were Br. Matthew (Master of Ceremonies), Br. Leo (Thurifer), Br. John (Server) and Fr. Joseph (Cantor).  This yearly event begins with blessing the Facilities Warehouse, the place where construction/ maintenance crews works and where all EWTN’s studio and excess equipment is stored.  From there the friars bless the EWTN Religious Catalogue Building.  They then travel 45 minutes to the WEWN Shortwave Radio Station in Vandiver, Alabama.

In all places, Father Leonard processed with the Blessed Sacrament, blessing offices and equipment while the friars and employees sang holy hymns and prayed litanies.  The blessings continue at the EWTN main campus on Monday August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary and 35th Anniversary of EWTN.  Stay posted for updates.








5 thoughts on “EWTN Begins Annual Anniversary Facilities Blessings

  1. Does this mean that the items that I order form the catalog are blessed? I purchaced a rosary and it bothered me that it wasn’t blessed. Thank you for all the good you do.

  2. Just want to tell you that I love EWTN very much, and am growing closer to Jesus and Mary through Daily Mass, Rosary and other devotions, as well as all of your inspiring programs!! Thank you so much for all you do for us!!

  3. Gina, unfortunately, the items purchased through the EWTN Religious Catalogue are not blessed since blessed items can not be sold. The intention of the campus blessing was to bless the facilities and offices.

  4. Its better that the items sold in the EWTN Religious shop are all blessed before any individual purchases it. I presume that anyone purchasing such an item would like to have the blessing of item by the Friars.

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