Thank you for your continued concern for Father Anthony Mary. As many of you know, Father has a chronic health condition (not terminal), which means he wrestles with serious bouts of fatigue and has had to reduce his regular pastoral load. He is grateful for your care and for your prayers. He sends his love to all of you and hopes to be back on the air in the near future.

I’m so happy to hear Father Anthony will be returning soon! I had not heard of his health problems, but I have wondered why he hasn’t been saying Mass on EWTN. I will keep him in my prayers! Thanks for posting this update!
We miss Father Anthony’s great homilies. His loving and kind delivery is outstanding. His wit and humility greatly appreciated while embracing the gospel message.
I hope Father is doing well. I work many hours and I also travel for work. So I’m only able to watch mass on TV, or listen on my radio. I enjoyed his gentle, kind, soothing voice. Always made me see how things weren’t so bad.
Oh yes, Linda, I feel the same way!! I SO miss seeing him on EWTN!!!
I too miss Fr.Anthony’s Homilies.I hope his health continues to improve and he is able to resume ‘normal duties’.
We’re praying for Fr. Anthony and his quick return. We miss his personality, wit and goodness.
May the Lord Jesus, the Great Physician, touch your heart and restore you to full health. Your calming voice proclaiming the wisdom of God is greatly missed.
I was wondering why I haven’t seen for months glad to hear he’s doing much better
Amen! Miss hearing from you and your
Father Anthony we all miss you we love the other Fathers too but also you God be with all of you
I miss Father Anthony on EWTN. I watch the Mass every day. I am so glad Father Anthony will be returning soon. He is in my Prayers.
I am so glad to hear that Fr Anthony will be returning. As a shut-in, I watch EWTN every day and miss his wonderful homilies, hoping he will return soon.
Have you ever heard from Fr. Anthony
This is very strange that Fr. Anthony is never mentioned…on his name day or when the world and Franciscan community celebrate Mother Angelica’s 100th birthday. I thought the Church was trying to promote transparency. No mention of him for 4 years!!!!!!
It is now almost March and still no Father Anthony Mary. As an RN something is very wrong. This makes me very sad. Nobody has to reveal personal information. It is still very sad. And makes people worry when you have been following Father for years. We, the people can give this situation to Jesus. We can pray. May the Crucified Christ bless him. May the Divine Mercy heal him. May he receive every grace and blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I miss Fr Anthony also and i hope he is doing well continue praying for him 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
HE is one priest whom I looked for to hearing his homilies. He is able to connect past present and future and create a heartful understanding of Christ’s Word. Not many priests have the gift of being such a talented homilist. He does not preach AT YOU but provides Christs message FOR YOU….. GOD SPEED Father Anthony.
Laurie you hit the nail on the head with your description of Father Anthony’s homilies.
Well said. I miss him very much and glad to hear he willbe back soon. I feel very close to him as I to am a person from Minnesota. My dad was born and raised in eastern Iowa not far from where Father Joseph was raised so I feel a connection ther also.
Thank you for the update Mary! Didn’t know about his health issues and we miss him on the EWTN masses, too!
God bless Father Anthony and his quick return to Mass at EWTN
I miss your gentle demeanor and great sense of humor-I’m not Catholic but I totally enjoy your homilies-hope you’re doing well-looking forward to seeing you back on the air!
I have a group of priest who gives me spiritual strength through their spirituality and Fr. Anthony Mary is one of them. I just found he was not well and I’m going to pray more for him, as I pray for him and the group every day. The group of priest I call my boys. I need my boy back.
I’m praying for you Father.
I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. Anthony Mary. I learnt today that Father is poorly, I definitely will start praying for his speedy recovery. Please do update of his recovery. We hope to see him soon on the air. God bless.
Get well soon Father so that we will see you again on EWTN. We miss you.
I’m so glad to hear Farther Andrew is alive and getting better. We didn’t know what happened to him and he lifted me up in times of need. A true and inspiring individual. My wife Siony has asked me what happened to Farther Anthony.
We are at a close friend Who is 93 years old and a neighbor who along with us lost her house two years ago and visit Helen as much as possible. Both Siony and I missed his calling. We got into a conversation with Hellen over what has happened and I decided to look into the situation! It drove me to the internet and discovered this site.
We pray for you father and hope to see you on Ewtn Soon. You have reached many hearts with your word, may our lord and savior keep you safe and return to your calling. The love of words you speak make us hungry for more salvstion
My favorite priest. Miss seeing and listening. Please update. Thank you and God bless
hello father anthony i am still waiting for you to come back on ewtn tv let jesus and mary take over .
I was wondering where he was I really miss him He is so inspiring God bless father Anthony Mary be safe with this virus
When is Father Anthony Mary returning???
Hope you are doing better I miss your sermons and your smiling face You bring so much joy to all Be well I hope you get to come back even if you are there for a little while
God Bless our Fr Anthony Mary. Please God, may he return soon.
We are all waiting but seems like their is no new news about him anywhere? I am praying for his return also
Have you heard on any new updates of Father Anthony? Praying for him
Thank God. The mass on EWTN was a blessing for me while serving overseas in Iran.
I miss Fr. Anthony. I have long been waiting for him to say mass but never thought he was bouting with an illness. I hope and pray he gets better and regain his health. I miss his inspiring homilies. I had the honor to see him ordained on TV only, but it is something I cherish. God bless you, Fr. Anthony. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. We love you.
I wii keep Father Anthony Mary in my prayers also I miss him He’s sermons were so inspiring I remember on Sunday Father said he liked HoHos I found them at Targets Do you still eat them ?
I am praying for Father Anthony. I miss his homilies 🙏🙏🙏
I hope he comes back soon I miss him it is because of him I am back in my church
May Our Lord Heal Him Soon. Amen
I have been listening to one of Fr.Anthony Mary’s homilies.
Do miss him and hope he returns soon.
I think that God inspired me to search for Fr. Anthony through the website because my wife and I were wondering what has happened to him. We miss his lucid and uplifting homilies. Glad to hear that he’ll be back soon. We’re praying for him. May God bless him.
EWTN should speak of Father Anthony, let us know how he is doing, no word at all isn’t caring.
It’s been 3 years since you posted this msg, Mary. I miss him too. We’ll keep continuing to pray for his health and ministry. COME BACK !
I wish Father a speedy recovery. I want to see u back on the alter Fr. Anthony.
Yes! Fr. Anthony I was always asking where are you. I just found what’s going on but I keep you in my prayers. May our Lord be at your side. Amen 🙏
Hi father Anthony Mary I’ve been looking for you. I love you and I pray 🙏 with God willing to you to comeback again and see you in this altar that God put there each Sunday, in Jésus name I pray 🙏
Father Anthony
For so long I have been wondering about what has happened to you. I thought we were reassigned to some new post
Now that I find out that you’re healed
I joint the EWTN family to pray for your recovery.
May God btless you
Why is there no word on Fr Anthony? People are always left in the dark about things. Is he coming back or not?
Keeping you in my prayers Father Anthony. Looking forward to seeing you at EWTN Mass and hearing your homilies.
Prayers for you Fr Anthony hope you’re well soon,we love you and miss you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🤟
May Jesus heal you, and return you to health soon. Miss seeing you and listening to your homilies.
Hello Fr Anthony , my prayers for you , hope you will be back on the air very soon . Knew
Something is going on since your not been on
the air lately .Missed your mass and of course
your nice homilies .Hope you will be back soon . God Bless.
I am so grateful for the news that Fr. Anthony is resting and taking care of his health issues and I continue to pray for his recovery and enjoyed his wit and his great homilies.
Fr. Anthony, may the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me. Peace be with you!
Fr. Anthony may the peace of Our Lord be with you now and forever. May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me and my family. Peace be with you!
Dear Fr Anthony. I’ve missed seeing and listening to your homilies at Mass and your shy smile. Only today I’ve read about your health but I am overjoyed that you are well on your way to joining us again. My prayers and God bless you from India
Father Tony,
You are a “Rock” at EWTN. Please God restore Father Tony to good health. We miss him dearly.
Just know that I miss your presence as I was the mass. Its been such a long time, I feel like I know all the friars. I too had a bout with illness that knocked me down. I one day hope, hope, hope to come and visit you all in Alabama
We miss Father Anthony Mary and look forward to him back on EWTN!
He gives the best homilies to start our days!! God bless you, Father!!❤️
Praying for you Father Anthony xoxo
God bless you Father Anthony…..I was just commenting on how much I miss watching you say Mass, and we both were wondering where you have been ! Keep praying for us, and listen to your Mother Mary….”rest and pray”…Let the Lord do the rest…..! Miss your sermons, and your refreshing smile….you light up our day! God Bless…see you soon !
Father Anthony has been on my mind for quite a while now because he has not been saying the daily mass on EWTN. Thank you for posting about his health, so we can be praying for his continued healing, and hopefully, full recovery. I so miss his wonderful homilies – full of humor and wisdom, and his contagious smile! God bless you Father Anthony & may Mother Mary embrace you in her mantle.
I agree with all Rosemary said…………..miss Fr. Anthony and knew something was wrong. He is in our prayers and hope he recovers soon. Your homilies are the best!! God be with you.
So sorry you are ill Father Anthony. Praying for your speedy recovery. I am a regular viewer of the EWTN daily Mass as here in our Cornwall Parish because of lack of priests we are lucky if we have a Mass on week days. Any way I am grateful for small mercies. Do say a prayer for me and my family. Thank you.
God bless you, Father Anthony. I hope you are feeling stronger everyday!
Praying For you Father Anthony, God Bless You always!
Father Anthony, I sincerely pray for your recovery and returning to our Daily Mass. I have enjoyed all of your homilies and will always.
Dear Fr. Anthony,
I’m an avid fan of EWTN since I came here in the United States way back in 2003. I started my day through the prayers and mass everyday.
I have been really wondering about you, Father Anthony for a while and is always looking for ward to hear you at mass and listen to your homily. Today, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, I was thinking of a way to know what’s happening to you and I’m happy to see the update. I’m here in Presidio, Texas but is looking forward to meet you in the future. I’m happy to hear that you will be back soon. God bless you and your ministry.
Fr Anthony, I miss your wonderful homilies. I will be praying for you health to return.
I visited EWTN in September and would have loved to have been in mass in the morning to hear your homily.
God Bless You Always.
Sure do miss seeing you father Anthony, best wishes for health.
Is Fr Anthony still active in administering the sacrament of reconciliation ??
Fr. Anthony, I pray for your return to good health. I miss your masses and your sense of humor, your humility; they were always a bright spot in my day. I look forward to your return.
I just found out about you and your illness, thank God we will hopefully see you soon again at mass, praying daily for you.
Happy to hear that Father Anthony will be back with us soon. I miss his insightful homilies and cheeky sense of humor. I’m sure Father is bearing with his illness with grace and humor😊
I’m glad to hear I can look forward to your return. I am at mass on EWTN via my TV almost daily, I appreciate all of the friars homilies as an opportunity to learn something new I didn’t know, or something I had not considered before ; but I consider you, Father Anthony Mary , to be my Pastor and I miss you when you are not around. Prayers for your health!!
Dear Father Antony Mary, I dearly missed you and your homilies attending the masses at EWTN and now
knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being.
God bless you hoping you will be back soon on the aire.
So very happy to have news regarding Father Anthony. We continue to pray for him.
I look & pray to see you at the EWTN Masses. I REALLY miss you. I will be praying for you.
Dear Father Anthony Mary,
My husband and I always enjoyed your celebration of the Mass. We lived in very rural Va and there was frequently no daily mass. We are and were very appreciative of EWTN and their faithfulness in bringing us the Mass . We miss you as we would always say “It’s Father Anthony!!!” You are great. We have missed you a lot. We will keep you in our prayers as well as all your brother Friars and all. God bless,
The Carter family
Fr. Anthony, take a well-earned rest. Sometimes we don’t rest when we need to. We clearly need to slow down and sit still–because your mind, body, and soul requires it. Trust that we all need to take care of ourselves. And let God give us love, courage, strength, and hope. Looking forward to your homilies. Would like to see you have your own show to teach and inspire us. Praying for you.
Sorry to hear that you are ill—praying that God will heal you soon.
We miss your morning mass and homily. We always enjoyed your homily.
May Jesus, our Lord and God heal you so that you can say the daily mass at EWTN
Father Anthony, please know that many are praying for you and miss you. Our Lord has a funny way of showing us that, but we know that He is good and loving always. I place you in the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother as there she will keep you close to Her Son. I’ve also placed your name under my St. Joseph statue; as I would have put you under St. Anthony, St. Joseph has a nifty little drawer! Praying that we’ll see you soon.
Father Anthony have you been checked for Lyme Disease?
My mother only watches one TV show. That is EWTN. Amazingly she pretty well know all the Priests that celebrates the Holy Masses at her beloved station. For weeks she has been missing your masses, Father Anthony. She loved listening to your homilies. We will pray for your health and hoping for your return to EWTN again. God bless you!
Happy to have found this info on how you are doing Fr. Anthony. I am keeping you in prayer indeed and am so glad you are making your way back to your tv network viewing audiences . Hope you take the all the time that is needed to return in good health. I am looking forward to hearing your homilies again.
Thank you for giving us an update. I, too, have been wondering what happened to Father Anthony Mary; I love his homilies.
Please tell him to rest and that he is in my prayers. God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do.
“To Jesus thru Mary” always.
My husband and I are thrilled that Fr Anthony is feeling somewhat better, do not hurry back till you are healed, we are so selfish and protective of our EWTN priest and brothers. You are missed so very much. When you dont bless our living rooms daily we worry. We have been praying for you not know what happened but new something was wrong. my 91 year old mother also has been praying
for you and misses you. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. God bless you Fr Anthony and all your brothers in faith.
Father Anthony has been one of my favorite priests because of his lighthearted and uplifting manner in which he delivers his homilies. All of the priests are wonderful.. I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon.
Fr. Anthony, thank you for your fiat We love you and will keep you in our prayers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you that God bless you with better health so you can continue to do God’s work and bring souls to Jesus. I was wondering what happened to you because I so much enjoy your homilies and your sense of humor. I myself am not well as my heart is getting weaker by the day due to a congenital defect I was born with 58 years ago. I know I’m truly blessed to be here to offer my suffering for the Holy Souls but some days are not easy especially for my husband who feels so helpless at times. We both believe that this is the life God chose for us and we have total trust in him.
Thanks to you and all the Friars for your dedication and sacrifice especially for all of us who are home bound with illnesses.
God Bless all of you
Not to say that I do not appreciate the priests who celebrate Mass on EWTN but I miss Father Anthony’s homilies, wit, smile, and Christ-likeness. I pray for your improved health.
Praying for strength to return to Fr Anthony! Will look forward to his smilies and bright homilies!
Dear Father Anthony,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” -2 Corinthians 12:9
Prayers and wishes for improved health sent to you, specially to St. Anthony of Padua, who intercedes for those who have lost their health and strength.
Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. 8 )
I’ve missed you Fr. Anthony and I am so glad to know you will be serving Mass once again as you recover. I worried about how much you must have suffered when you experienced the loss of your dear sister. The courage and deep faith you displayed when you were able to return to your beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me. You helped me endure the loss of both my mother and father as my faith journey deepens each day. You will be in my prayers as you recover. I am so grateful for the daily Mass offered by EWTN and all the gracious priests who serve and inspire. I consider myself an intimate parishioner of a world-wide parish! Thank you and God Bless you All!
I miss your homely’s Father Anthony, and I pray that you will soon be well and come back, God Bless You
We miss you and hope for a speedy recovery!
Hope you are back soon!
You will be in our prayers 🙏
I am so glad to hear Fr. Anthony is getting better…… I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was…… I am a 75 year old woman….and watching the Mass just makes my day….. I love the way he speaks to us through his Homiles. He also tells us some of the names of
The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on what’s going on…it is truly a family atmosphere….so I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass…..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care…😇🙏
Dear Fr. Anthony, Finally located this site and that you are hoping to return to Daily Mass at the Chapel. I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. Have been very worried as to why you weren’t there. Love your homilies laced with your humor and smile. I will pray for your return even on an occasional appearance. Take care and will ask the Blessed Mother to take you into her motherly arms and ask Jesus to help you get well.
dear fr anthony….miss you terribly your masses and homilies…..just read about your health issues….may the LORD grant you good health….looking forward to see ing you at Mass soon….praying for you….
PRAYERS being sent for Father Anthony God Bless. We miss you .😇
Danial 3.1-3 you too my friend will walk out of the furnace. You are very holy and very blessed. Your homilies are the best I have ever heard . You sir bring the light of God into many souls . Time for rest and reflection . And a gathering of strength for the coming storm.
Regarding Fr. Anthony Mary
I hope and pray that someday very soon we will be able to share/watch the Mass being celebrated by our dear Fr. Anthony! I am so grateful for EWTN! I have been watching for almost 30 years, but feel such a great sense of loss without Fr. Anthony’s homilies! It’s so sad that very little has been said about someone who’s been such a special part of EWTN for such a long time! Not even praying for him at the Masses. We miss you so much Fr. Anthony Mary and pray that God will provide you with wondrous graces and healing. God bless you Fr. Anthony Mary.
Fr. Anthony, I miss you, your smiles, and your homilies on morning Mass. I am praying for you to get much better soon. Chronic challenges take such work & commitment! And tons of help, time for ourselves, prayer, & the spirit of Our Lord within. Along w/ many others viewers, I look forward to your return soon to the things you love.
Praying for Father Anthony’s quick recovery to good health. Hope to see you back to EWTN soon!
my dear Father Anthony,,you are truly my favorite,,I missed seeing and hearing you on EWTN
I pray to our Blessed Mother Mary for your healing and strength..I know that Jesus will hear my prayers to His Mother..God Bless..
My husband and I also miss Father Anthony and his homilies, Sorry to hear he is not well. Will include him and all the brothers in our prayers. Thanks for all you do….it does make a difference. God Bless you all. Take good care Father and hope to see you soon.
All that can be said has been said above. I cannot add more. But , always having an opinion , I will say I love you as a brother and as a brother I ask “are you just a night person like myself and have zero energy in the mornings “. A little humor in that statement, but I want and people need you back.
In your own time is OK with me. God watch over you.🙏
I shall pray for you, Fr. Anthony and look forward to your practical and helpful homilies! Your sense of humour is dearly missed as well. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Our Dearest Father Anthony,My husband Richie and I have been missing you very much. We have been praying for you each day. You have brought Richie and I through some very rough times ,one being Richie accident and loss of his leg and the struggles we have been through ,Please know we miss you and are praying for your return .With Gods love and prayers we hope to see you back soon..
I love you, Father Anthony, and have missed you so much.
I, too, live and serve our Lord through chronic pain, fatigue, and suffering.
May we unite all for the intentions of the Two Hearts, with dear St Joseph (and, of course, with our beloved Mother Angelica’s help!)
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you.
Save souls!!!” 🙏📿
Dear Father Anthony my friends and I have been wondering why you haven’t been saying Mass on EWTN. We miss you and are keeping you in our prayers. Praying you are feeling better. We miss you and your wonderful homilies. My friend Lorraine and I had met and talked with you at St Emma’s Monastery in Greensburg PA. We had actually talked with you in the Nun’s chapel. It was when Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017. It was so nice meeting you. We are keeping you in our prayers. Looking forward to seeing you on EWTN soon. Take care and God Bless
I am a lay Carmelite can you please tell me what was the name of the Monastery we are looking forward to see Father do you know the true about wrote3of feb 2019. where can l see him is he really sick or did he leave.Sister Therese Helene.
I think they have just told you about Fr. Anthony, what is it that you do not believe, the earth is round and not flat.
Praying for you Father Anthony. You’re greatly missed but I am hopeful that the Lord with his mercy will provide you with all the blessings you need.
Father Anthony I miss your smiling face and inspirational homilies. Will pray for you and ask God to restore you to good health.
Thinking of you and miss you saying Mass…listening to your homily’s and your sense of humor…Praying you are feeling better…we miss you very much…
Fr. Anthony. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery . It is great to learn that your recovery is moving in the right direction. God Bess you always.
In 2012 I was drawn to EWTN due to grieving & found daily Mass and the humor & frankness of Father Anthony Mary in his sermons. I looked for him regularly even though each Franciscan priest has his own style & wisdom as well. Miss him GREATLY & will keep watching for him & keep him my prayers. So glad there is an EWTN.
Gods Holy Spirit will Engulf your Very Being and will Free You from the Illness Thats hampering Your Health Father Anthony. Praying for a speedy recovery.
Dearest Fr. Anthony, I love you and miss you I am praying for you to get well soon God Bless you and make you well again
Dear Father Anthony: Hope you are feeling better. We have missed you for months, and I checked the website a month or two ago and was concerned. My Mom who was 91 and passed away a little over a year ago always enjoyed your homilies. My brother always watches the daily Mass as he can’t attend. Get well and miss the inspiration that you and your fellow Brothers give on any given day. God Bless.
Dear Father Anthony, Since there has not been even the slightest mention of you on EWTN since your absence several months ago, I have been deeply worried about you. I consider you a “family” member! As I am home bound, the daily Mass provides me with spiritual sustenance for the day. Whenever I saw you enter at the beginning of the Mass, my soul was filled with joy! The finest homilists should be assigned to the televised Mass as it is the most effective means of evangelization. I continue to pray for a return to health and a return to the televised Mass. I wish that your name would be included in the Mass intentions. ..a “family” member disappears suddenly and not one request for prayers?????
Mi nombre es Maria Valadez, soy una fiel seguidora del padre Anthony, me sorprende mucho esterarme de la condición de salud puesto que no sabia que se encontraba delicado. Esperemos es Dios padre que pronto se recupere. Bendiciones
Dear Father Anthony Mary, My husband and I have been so concerned about you and miss you terribly . Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are all so blessed to have EWTN and all the Franciscan Missionaries at our fingertips, smart phones, tablets, tv, radio computers. May God grant you strength and good health and bring you back to us soon.
Dear Friends at EWTN
I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. I believe in the one Holy Catholic Church and believe we are all working together as we travel the road to Heaven. I have missed Fr. Anthony and am relieved to know that he will be back as soon as his health has improved. His gentle manner and humor is sorely missed.
Thank you so much for your daily blessings
Dear Father Anthony
We miss you and pray that God will restore you to better health.
Thank you for your homilies and thank you for your strong faith. You are a great example for us .
We Miss Fr. Anthony Mary. Please EWTN if some priest are ill and we do not see them offering Mass , we audience miss them . Please inform viewers and we all pray for our EWTN priests and brothers.
I am so happy I finally found out what happened to our beloved Fr Anthony. He can be assured he will be in my prayers. He is a beautiful priest and excellent homilist. God be with you.
Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, I’ve missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. I look forward to you returning to EWTN,🙏
Fr. Anthony, May our Lord Jesus come and cover you with His Precious Blood, fill you with his Holy Spirit. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. I will pray for your healing & good health!
Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. I am just now learning of your difficulties and I wish you well and a speedy recovery. I do truly miss your presence at Mass and you sermons. Hope to see you soon. May God Bless YOU.
We miss you and your celebration of Mass on EWTN. You are so authentic and dear to so many. Get well soon. You are in our prayers.
Bless you Fr. Anthony Mary…
My son who has Autism and I miss you dearly.. We pray for your health and hope to see you soon on our beloved EWTN.. ❤🙏
Thank you for the update on Fr. Anthony, we truly miss him!! We’ll be praying for a him and look forward to his return. We miss you Fr. Anthony and your wonderful sermons. Take care & God Bless.
Time to go to Lourdes. And visit your Mother!
Please continue to get well and return to celebrating Mass on EWTN TV. I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you,
I have not seen Fr. Anthony for a while on EWTN and became concerned. I got on the EWTN web site and after a few searches, I learned that you are with the network, but having some health problems. Fr. I always love to listen to your homily, sometimes pretty humorous. The darkness always do anything to disturb the light. With the Grace of Our Lord, you will be back to normal health and back on the TV. I know how it feels to be tired. See your DR, drink filtered water, eat healthy, exercise, less stress, but most of all, get closer to Our Lord. You will be fine. I will remember you in my prayers. God Bless!!
We so look forward to Fr. Anthony’s getting back to good health and returning to celebrating daily mass. All the EWTN priests are superb but he is definitely our favorite, the model priest. Get well soon!!
I truly miss Fr. Anthony from the EWTN Mass. I was wondering where he was and I just googled his name and there it is. My husband and I will be praying for you, Fr. Anthony, so you can continue saying masses on EWTN. The daily mass is the first thing I tune in to in the morning. We missed your wit and uplifting homilies. God bless you and keep you always.
I just saw the reason why I haven’t seen you saying Mass on EWTN. Many prayers for your healing and return. I love all the others and their various, wonderful personalities, but you Father Anthony speak directly to my heart. God Bless you always!
Speedy recovery wishes from St. Catharines Ontario – your sermons are missed…
God bless you Fr. Anthony and may our blessed Lord heal and strengthen you. We miss you and pray that you will soon be able to return to us all on EWTN! +++
So grateful to hear that Fr. Anthony may soon be back. He has been missed by so many and our prayers for his recovery will continue. Many thanks for the beautiful music with which we have been graced of late, though the cantor (Mark?) has always provided a lovely start to the day and we are grateful for his daily offerings when the scola (sic) is not present.
I am sorry you have been ill. I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . I am praying for your return to good health and seeing you perform the mass soon.
My mother has missed Fr. Anthony for awhile now. We are glad to fianally know he will be back soon. We will both be praying for him and hope he gets all the rest he greatly desirves. Could someone please let us know exactly what his health problem is?
Sandi and my mother is Patricia
Father Anthony, you are truly missed celebrating mass. I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him.
Father Anthony, we miss you. I hope my family and l can say “He’s back”. Every morning we pray and look forward to seeing you and officiate the mass. You are the best homilist and our favorite. We will pray for you. God Bless.
I don’t know what is causing your fatigue Father. I will do more penance so God will heal you.
Every day I am looking forward to hear Fr. Anthony say mass. I love to listen to his sermon which is really very related to our lives . He always enthusiastically and lively delivers his sermon with his gestures and humor. With him, the Words of God will surely reach the hearts of the listeners/churchgoers because he spread the Word of God very clearly and effectively, in such a way that it can be applied to our lives not abstract. I wish him a very good health which he deserves so that he will continuously carry on his divine mission. May God heal you soon. I miss you,Fr. Anthony.(from a Filipina in Minnesota)
I am delighted to know that Fr Anthony Mary will be back to celebrate Mass on EWTN. I’ve missed your wonderful homilies and your celebration of Holy Mass. So glad you are well enough to return.
I wish you quick recovery . I miss your good sermon, hopping God willing will come back ewtn.
I am happy to know where you’ve been Fr Anthony… now I know to pray for you in a special way. I too have a Chronic Illness and the Fatigue is the hardest part. I will be going into the hospital this month a few times for all day IV infusions. Will be offering up for you! All4JMJ, Sarah Miller
Dear Father Anthony, I’ve been praying for your healing and recovery! I have greatly missed you and your awesome homilies! You always put a smile on my face. God bless you!
we love you are in our prayer and in the resary
I am so happy to know Fr Anthony will be coming to EWTN soon. I miss him very much. He has a lot of love for others, and his smile touches people’s hearts. May Jesus Divine Mercy embrace him in His loving arms and heal him completely. He is in my prayers.
I missed father Anthony so much. I just googled his name to find out that he is not well.
I will keep him in my prayers and hope to see him soon. I miss his contagious smile and his uplifting homelies. We need more priests like you.
My prayers go out to Father Anthony for a speedy recovery. I found ewtn and the daily mass when the Catholic school I had taught for 35 years was about to close. Father Anthony always had an upbeat approach. Blessings for the work you do.
I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for you…Mizpah…by of genesis31-49,….
Father Anthony, I miss you. May God bless you with good health soon. Im praying for you.
I too am praying daily for Fr. Anthony and anxiously await his return . His homilies are so special and spirit filled with that adorable sense of humor. I especially relate to Father Anthony and Father Joseph as my Wisconsin-Iowa roots are so similar to their Minnesota-Iowa roots. Living in the state of Washington now, something is sorely missing in my life and both priests being it back to me. God Love you both and to all of EWTN. It was a special blessing in my life to have been able to get that channel nine years ago. GOD BLESS!
I am an avid viewer I and did not realize Father Anthony Mary’s absence was due an illness. i will pray for his speedy recovery and also pray that he can whip us all back into continued spiritual understanding with his wit. May GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS HIM.
Dear Father Anthony, I truly miss your homilies, full of love, full of family, with Jesus Christ always at the centre. Your celebration of the “Sacred Mysteries” of the Holy Mass are done with a beautiful grace as only a holy priest like yourself can do. I know our Lord is asking the Father to heal you and bring you back to all of us who love your witness of the Apostolic Church.
Fr. Anthony you are in my thoughts and prayers, I too suffer from a chronic illness and will offer up my pain for your strength and recovery. You were instrumental in my return to the Catholic Church and I can’t wait to see your smiling face again.
Fr Anthony, I thank God for you, you are very humble, we miss your homily a lot. Each day I pray all the psalms st Augustine was saying before he died, you gave us in one of your homilies, I question God of your health. So one day I saw you in my dream at mass, I knew you will soon recover. May God continue to keep you alive and strong for us. Thank you Jesus.
My 97 year old Mom listens to the Mass every day, God Love Her. She was worried about Father Anthony, so I googled this site and told Mom that he would be back, she was thrilled. Please tell him we are all praying for his recovery!
When I was going through RCIA in 2014, I would watch Mass on EWTN to “learn” and familiarize myself in addition to going to Sunday Mass. Then, I became very ill and bedridden for about 2 weeks. I had 8 surgeries in total over the course of 4 years. I would watch Mass on television to help find peace. Fr. Anthony was my favorite celebrant. His homilies always hit home for me. I will pray for him that he finds healing. Thank you for all you do, EWTN. You are a blessing to us give us the ability to watch and listen whenever we want…especially when we are home-bound!!
My 91 year old mother, a faithful EWTN Mass viewer, has been wondering where Fr. Anthony was. I told her I would try to find out and behold…this posting. Thank you. We will pray for Father Anthony with the beautiful smile!
Fr. Anthony, we miss your cheerful homilies. May your recovery continue positively. We send our prayers.
I am so happy to find an update on Fr. Anthony. Thank you! When I first discovered EWTN, I was immediately drawn to Fr.Anthony’s homilies and I was excited to tune in and see when he was serving mass. His enthusiastic delivery was by far the best. I enjoy his humorous inflections and facial expressions. I enjoy hearing, and relating to, his personal experiences. His homilies were so inspirational that I found myself thinking about his words throughout the day. Because of him, I honestly feel I have become a better person. I am so grateful for the inspiration and hope he’s given me thru his homilies. I wish him a speedy and complete recovery so he can return to inspiring ALL of us!
Dear Father Anthony, we miss you via EWTN TV Mass. I believe GOD will give you speedy recovery. We NEED you. To me you come second after Father Mitch Pacwa in preaching. May the Good Father bless you forever.
My prayers are with you, Father Anthony Mary.
Father Anthony, We watch EWTN daily and miss seeing you. I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us God’s good news. We love all of you and pray for you.
Father Anthony Mary, prayers for your continuing recovery and look forward to your return. You are a big reason why I returned to the Catholic church. Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. God bless you and all the Franciscan brothers and priests.
I will be praying for Father Anthony Mary- I saw him take vows on EWTN TV many years ago-and always loved him.
Dear Father Anthony Mary,
I’m praying to our Heavenly Father and to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ as well as to our Blessed Virgin Mary for your rapid recovery🙏
I love you like a son,! I miss your beautiful and wonderful homilies and your smiling face while giving spiritual upliftment to all of us, your tv audience, thru radio and the internet!
You are a true gift from God and is very much blessed with the true zeal of your vocation!
I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health!
I also pray that Mother Angelica also do the same upon you dearly with her prayers in heaven🙏
Our loving Jesus is constantly by your side, caring for you and keeping you safe in His embrace giving you strengths and ❤️ love, and also by our dear Mother Mary of whom you’ve chosen your religious name, will always keep you underneath her mantle keeping you safe and protected from pain and discomfort! She is your true Mother😇
Please take care and get well soonest🙏
I love you💕dearest Father Anthony, come back soon!
In my prayers Father Anthony. Your homilies gave me a spark. You health has been on my mind. God bless you.😃😇 🙏
We are praying for you Fr. Anthony.
Dear Father Anthony
I pray God’s Healing on you. You are very dearly missed. Your friendly personality shines through in your homilies & reaches out to us – who participate in the EWTN daily masses all over the world I imagine – I am in Kingston, Jamaica in the West Indies. I Love my Faith & feel community & oneness with Beautiful EWTN that is actually my “spiritual director”- I have learned so much about my Faith from watching EWTN. My friend Jannette & I joke about how we regard the EWTN family as if we actually know you all! You have touched & Blessed our lives! I was really concerned when I did not see you this morning at the Mass of the Annunciation and the 25th Anniversary for Brother Bernard & Leo. I offer prayers for your recovery & hope to see you again.
My Mom and I are praying for you, Fr. Anthony! We were concerned when months had gone by without seeing you. And we missed your presence at the beautiful Mass today. So I just checked to see if you were okay. Please know you have a mother-daughter team praying for your full healing. Our Church needs you!
Glad to hear Fr. Anthony is coming back and looking forward to hear him say his humorous wisdom homily. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. I hope to see you again.
Fr. Anthony, drink ‘Holy Water’ it helps + deep prayers, then Holy Spirit will be with you. GOD BLESS.
Dearest Father Anthony, I just found about you and your health condition. So sorry to hear and am praying for continued good health for you. I’ve missed you and was wondering where you’ve been. I always check to see if you are doing the mass for the day. You pray the mass beautifully, and your homilies are awesome! You are my favorite-you touch my heart. I look forward to seeing you soon, and will keep you in my prayers! May God bless you always!
Thinking and Praying for you dear Father Anthony Mary. Hoping for an update on your condition. Do please pray for us. Thank you.
Fr Anthony, you are our St Anthony of Padua from EWTN! Please feel better soon. Mom and I miss your homilies and smiles and prayers. We still get to see you with the Friars on reruns of Adoration but want to see you LIVE! May St Anthony of Padua intercede for you as well as our dear Mother Angelica to regain your health. We love you! God bless you and Our Lady keep you.
I noticed that Fr. Anthony was not at the mass for Br. Leo and Br Bernard s 25th. Anniversary. Congrations to them! For weeks I have been saying to the TV – where is Fr. Anthony. I know we should not have favorites, but he is my favorite. His homilies are so genuine and filled with his personality. God Bless him and help,him to heal. He is missed! 🙏🙏🙏
Dear Father Anthony,
Like many people, I miss you and your wonderful homilies very much.
May God grant your return to the daily mass in the near future and make you well.
May God richly bless you.
Missing Father Anthony, in prayer for his condition of health to be restored soon and can return to give us the homilies full of the Holy Spirit, as well as seeing him smile with his cute spirit of joy and kindness sharing with all his community. May the Lord and Our blessed Mother bless and recover soon. May God bless to all!
Father Anthony please get well. You brought me back to daily mass 6 years ago and I so loved when you did Mass. You gave me reason to be stronger after a loss in my family. You set a great example for everyone. I have missed you. May God bless you with good health here on in.
Dear Lord,
Please restore Father Anthony’s health. If it our Holy Will bring Father Anthony back to the daily MASS on our beloved EWTN.
We miss him terribly, and will pray for our Father Anthony.
Dear Father Anthony,
I’m praying for you and hope that you can get back to giving short homilies every once in a while soon. May you feel God’s presence and love, and may He grant you full recovery. I really miss you!
Miss your profound homilies and wit!
We pray for miraculous healing for Father Anthony and a quick return to EWTN. We miss him and his wonderful homilies.
Greetings from New Zealand Fr Anthony. Yes, I’ve been a fan of EWTN since my elderly mother introduced me
to your network two or three years ago. Mother watches EWTN constantly, certainly her favourite passtime. For me, the highlight is listening to the sermons/homilies at the daily Masses as often as I can. Truly fantastic as a way
of deepening my Catholic faith journey. I so appreciate your contribution in this regard Fr Anthony. Your wit, humour and your genuine demeaneur are inspirational. I was truly delighted just now to find out that you’re
making your way back, slowly but surely, after a spell of health issues. I pray for a speedy recovery. And please
God, grant Fr Anthony (and the other Friars) all the graces they need to grow in your holiness.
Dear Fr. Anthony Mary, I need you. We need you. You are a light Please come back!
Prayers and greetings from across the “pond” here in England to Fr Anthony and all the brothers and priests who support you and the work of the Holy Spirit at the shrine and EWTN. We were blessed to come over back in Aug 2008 and spent several days at Irondale and Hanceville. Wonderful spiritual memories of our trip. So good to hear the voice of Fr Anthony in his series of Lenten retreats on your web site. Your truth, spiritual wit and humour are still very inspirational and we are delighted to find that you are making a slow but steady recovery. May Our Lord and the intersession of his Blessed Mother keep you all safe and well during this Easter Season and Divine Mercy Sunday.
Padre Antonio Que Dios Lo Bendiga y se recupere muy pronto.
Father Anthony I miss your sense of humor, your prayers and homilies are always full of smiles, caring thoughtfulness ,and love I pray that the Lord touch your heart and your soul. And that you have a speedy recovery . Thank
I miss you … it looks like we all miss you … for everyone of these comments you can believe there are thousands of people missing you … they just haven’t found this thread … you inspire all of us with your homilies by bringing the gospel to life in which we can relate … with added humor and your smile … well we all love it … I have thanked God for you everytime you say mass … you have been part of my daily prayers forever … please get better and come back to us … we do need you….
Father Anthony, I did not know about your heath problem. I will pray for you and hope it will be soon when you are back saying mass at EWTN. I really miss your homilies. You bring so much to the mass. God Bless you and heal you.
Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him
Dear Father Anthony ,
We miss you ! You are in our prayers.
God Bless You Always 🙏 We hope you feel better soon .♥️ Love, the Goetz Family
Prayers for Fr. Anthony’s recovery & return May Jesus and His Blessed Mother grant Fr. Anthony what he needs to return. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed.
Chaque jour, après la prière à saint Mchel et le chapelet, j’attends avec impatience vos admirables homelies,. Father Anthony, Que la Vierge Marie vous couvre de son manteau et que notre Seigneur Jesus vous aide à finir votre mission en meilleur santé. Ma famille et moi vous gardons dans nos prières.🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
Thanks for sharing the news about Fr. Anthony Mary. Didn’t know about his health challenges. Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. May Almighty God grant him HIS healing mercies in Jesus name. Hope to see him soon on EWTN Mass airings.
Thumps Up👍👍👍 to all @ EWTN!
Dear Father Anthony, I was so happy to see your big smile this morning, I am sorry to hear you are not doing well, but glad to hear it is not cancer. I had been worried since I had not seen you the passing of your twin sister. Take care Father Anthony since I really miss your homilies
Oh May Our Risen Christ heal you Fr. AnthonyMary. Amen. We miss you at my home…been looking out for you.
A prayer goes out to Father Anthony . I miss your homilies so much. Hope you feel better soon. God Bless !!! With all my prayers, Anna Javier
Father Anthony your absence has been on my mind for some time. Today I have located the reason for your absence. Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. As a secular Carmelite our mission is to pray for Priests. I will ask my community, Our Lady Queen of Peace, to pray also for the restoration of your health so that you can resume God’s work for you are greatly missed and greatly loved. Leo Pelzel, OCDS.
If not the one conducting the Mass, can he be allowed to serve as an assistant periodically, though his personal touch in his Homily is most refreshing?
Father Anthony, I wish you a smooth recovery and hope to see you back on EWTN soon to celebrate a mass. I miss you very much.
I just viewed the lovely interview with you, Fr. Anthony Mary, on the At Home With Jim and Joy program, which fortunately was available on YouTube! It was a great relief to learn that you are “still there” and despite health problems are planning to return to EWTN as able. You can be assured that you have my prayers and penances every day for your full recovery , and I do pray for the consolation of you and your dear family on the loss of your beloved sister. I think that a homily that you preached on the relationship between St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica was one of the best you ever blessed us with.
sending love and prayers to Fr. Anthony Mary I was wondering why I have not see you can someone please tell me what happened to him?donna
Blessings from Green Isle, MN……We miss you, especially your natural wit & “fruitful ” messages.
Come back , only if you are totally rested & ready for the needs of EWTN. Prayers for you !
I look forward to seeing you when you are in better health. My prayers and good thoughts are with you until then.
God bless you Father Anthony
I miss Father Anthony on EWTN. I watch the Mass every day. I am so glad Father Anthony will be returning soon. He is in my Prayers. I think all of you are great. Prayers for all of you!
Dear Fr Anthony,
Very sorry to hear about your illness. My husband (a convert) a recently retired physician has taken a professional interest.
Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars.
God bless EWTN.
Nos prières vous accompagnent.
Dear Fr Anthony,
Very sorry to hear about your illness. My husband (a convert) a recently retired physician has taken a professional interest.
Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars.
God bless EWTN.
Nos prières vous accompagnent.
Fr: Your sermons are the best, worth publication actually. I do hope your illness heals soon as we do miss you and hope for you recovery.
Dear Father Anthony, I have been meaning to write you a letter because I miss seeing you on air with your great homilies and sense of humor, then I saw this, I am so sorry to hear about your illness. I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. Please feel well very soon, you are a true friend of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Tu nous manques Father Anthony, come back soon!
We miss Father Anthony and his inspiring homily.. our prayer and thoughts are for his recovery.
Dear Father Anthony
After reverting back to the Catholic Faith in 2011, EWTN was a source of hope and affirmation to my faith. My mother encouraged me to hear daily mass and EWTN allowed me to do so considering my schedule then. Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. Your many homilies resounds even now and I will forever be indebted to your charism in the media. I pray for you as you prayed for us. God is the author of all and His plans for you as you deal with this ailment is maybe to have quiet time with Him. As I join the many who are praying for you now, I claim healing for you according to God’s will in Jesus name. Shalom!
First GOD First, thanks be to GOD for everything. St. Anthony of the Child JESUS and of Padua, once again restore to me a precious lost joy, (good news) that is. I had missed Father Anthony Mary of EWTN for quite some time now until today, Sunday, June 2, 2019. Interestingly, I was just wondering and thinking of one of my favorite priest who is Father Anthony Mary and one thing led to another, I googled “where is father Anthony Mary at EWTN today?” And there he was on the Jim and Joy Program. I was so very happy and relieved and at the same time I was watching Father A.M. so closely and thanks be to GOD, he appears happy and healthier. I thought I lost Father A.M. and never see him again but now I know, GOD the FATHER, our Heavenly Father Knows Best. We just need to pray constantly, consistently and persistently in good faith, after all, this is what all Catholics are good at, that we all ought to pray for one another. And so let us all raise our minds and hearts and unite to the Sacred Heart of JESUS and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, His Blessed Mother our hearts’ desires and pray for our dear Father Anthony Mary and all those who are in pain and suffering. “Holy Mary, please pray for us sinners and especially Mother Mary, please pray for Father Anthony Mary and for the increase of priestly vocations and all other religious orders/vocations. Amen. So Be It. GOD Alone!!! To all the special folks above, it was a pleasure to read all of your love and prayers offered up for one of our dear son, brother, and priest, Father Anthony Mary, I enjoyed reading them all, with the shedding of some happy tears, smiles, joy, peals of laughter and all. Smile GOD Loves You All and remember GOD Is Good All The Time. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, Model of all Catholic/Christian Family Life, please bless all our good and sincere efforts in an effort so that we make the very best of what we have accordingly to the role model of your Holy Family. Amen. Until we hear from each other again. Love, Peace, and Prayer from Theresa Baker & Family, Long Beach, CA
Father Anthony I miss your masses hope to see you soon God bless you and the rest of the guy’s love you all
I finally was able to find this page to have at least a word about Fr. Anthony’s condition. I truly miss his homily that is clearly understood by me. I will pray to St. Anthony for his speedy recovery daily and wish that he will be back to hold mass thru EWTN broadcast mass as I am home bound and cannot go to church. God bless Fr. Anthony and all franciscan friars.
FatherAnthony please return soon. We all missyou so much. You are the first priest I saw and listened to when I discovered EWTN and your homilys wre so good I watched every nigh. Gods Blessing
So sad to hear of Father Anthony’s illness and will be praying for him. He is a blessing to all of us and EWTN and we miss him. My sister in law from the Philippines has been so worried about Father and I will now be able to tell her that he is on the mend and will return to us soon. God bless you Father Anthony – we love you and will remember you in our prayers.
Thank you for the update on Fr. Anthony. We had the pleasure of meeting him in Denver a few years ago at EWTN family day. My wife was dealing with a serious health issue and he blessed her. Thankfully, she has been cured. We will always be grateful to Fr. Anthony for his kindness. We also miss his homilies…no one can weave a personal family story around scripture like him. If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. It would be wonderful to see and hear him again. His missed. Please give him our very best along with a great big [[hug]] from us. May God bless him and you.
I miss you so much Father Anthony Mary…My Father and I used to hear the am mass together every day…he has since passed 3 years ago and I continue to hear mass in his honor…we both so enjoyed your homilies and great sense of humor…I feel so alone, please get well soon. Your in my thoughts and prayers always…God Bless you🙏☝️
praying for Fr. Anthony and hoping for a quick recovery. miss seeing you and hearing your voice on tv. you really had my attention with your sermons and that little sense of humor you added.
Can you please post an update on Father Anthony’s condition? There are many of us who care. Thank you and God bless you all.
We love and miss you Father Anthony! Please Sweet Jesus, help him, heal him and bring him back soon! God Bless You Dear One and all at EWTN!!!
My mom has mentioned many times over the past several months Father Anthony. We’ve checked the site a couple of times and read the many posts. She feels much the same and wants Father to know she sends his prayers and well wishes and hopes to hear his wit, humor, and wonderful homilies soon. God Bless.
I finally found out about Father Anthony I was so worried. Now I know I will be praying harder for him. I miss him so much. God bless and get better real soon.😇Valerie from Miami,Florida.
We miss you FR. Anthony. Keeping you in our thoughts & prayers. May Our Lord bless & keep you safe. Please know you are much loved. ♥
Father Anthony, We wish you a speedy recovery and will be very happy to see you back on the air. Take good care and may God bless you always,
Hi Fr. Anthony we miss you and your great sermons, l’m praying for your health, May Jesus and Mary protect you and grant you the grace of a full recovery . Amen. Rosalind from. South Africa
So very happy to hear Father Anthony is doing well.From one Minnesotan to another we love you and miss your great homilies. Take care Father can’t wait to have you back soon. You are in my prayers.🙏🙏
I pray that you are feeling better and can’t wait for your return on EWTN miss your beautiful homilies you touch the heart and souls of many may God keep you in his care 🙏🏽
I Pray that you are feeling better and can’t wait for your return on EWTN I miss your beautiful homilies that touches me so deeply and I know you touch the hearts and souls of many may God keep you in his care and continue Blessing you🙏🏽
Continued prayers for you, Father Anthony Mary. I have missed your wonderful homilies, your wit and your spirituality. I will continue to look for updates and the good news that we will see you in the pulpit again very soon. You are a true blessing.
I have also been worried about Father Anthony. Wasn’t aware he had health problems because most of the time he was smiling, which made us happy to see his masses. We pray his health problems be resolved by GOD, and he returns to EWTN, ASAP. May GOD BLESS and PROTECT HIM AND ALL THOSE AT EWTN. Thanks to all of you at EWTN.
Prayers for Fr. Anthony. Miss your wit and your wonderful messages. You touch the hearts of many, mine very personally. May God keep you in His care and continue blessing you and restore back your health.
Miss you Fr Anthony
Hope you are getting stronger
Father Anthony, you are greatly missed. May our Great God Bless you with healing!!! Hope we see you again soon!!!!
Has Fr. Anthony been checked for Lyme Disease?
Father Anthony is such a blessing. I just learned of his illness. I will stay in steadfast prayer that he regains strength for each day.
I miss Father Anthony and am relieved to hear that he will be returning. I pray for him EVERY DAY!
Father Anthony Mary I pray you are totally healed soon. My husband and I have missed you greatly on EWTN. Looking forward to seeing you back. We love your homilies.
My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Father Anthony. I have been searching to find out what happened to you and why I am not seeing you at Mass. I truly miss hearing your homilies. You have such a special gift of explaining the Gospels that help so many people,especially for me. I pray that you will be healed and return to continue your great work.God bless you and Thank you.
Missing you Father for a long time. Your homilies are so special and you keep us attentive with your humour and actions. Our prayers for your speedy recovery. May Jesus bless and heal you.
Father Anthony, God Bless you! I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. God’s love radiates from you. I am praying you are healed soon. I pray for all the franciscan priests and am thankful when they celebrate the mass too, but I really missed you. God Bless you and God’s PEACE and LOVE
Fr. Anthony, as do many others, I miss your homilies, delivered with humor, humility, and such great senstivity. Sending prayers for your health and recovery.
God Bless Your Healing Fr. Anthony. My Grandmother when alive, called you her favorite priest. So sorry to hear you are battling your health. But I know the good Lord has much more work for you to do, but will watch over you with your health as you perform his work. Rest up, do whatever you have to make yourself well. I look forward to seeing and hearing your talks once again. May the Blessed watch over and keep you in her care. Amen.
May God continue to bless Father Anthony. I miss seeing you at the daily Mass.
Fr Anthony, I hope you are gaining strength each day.
Chronic illness is often a tough and complicated journey.
Rest and finding joy in the simple things like sunshine, fresh air and gardens
can be good medicine. I have found such things helpful.
I will keep you in my prayers, as so many people are doing!
father anthony,
really miss you not saying Mass hope you are able to come back soon.
Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. I pray for the day that you are able to return. You are the best homilist ever. We miss you dearly. God bless you.
Ok Father, time to stop “gold bricking”. LOL
I share your sense of humor, 😄 so that statement was made in jest.
Been praying about and for you for MONTHS!! Kinda like I’m missing a favorite grandson PLUS my priest. 😓
As an indication of all these posts, God is being un in-dated with prayers for you, mine included. 🙏🙏🙏
I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father PLEASE hear our prayers for your servant, Fr Anthony, thru Jesus, your Son.
We Miss Him tremendously. 😓😪
Father Anthony. You are so loved and missed. My wife and I think and speak of you so often. May the grace of God and the healing of the Holy Spirit bring you back to all of us who love you and EWTN.
Could we please have an update on Fr. Anthony? My mom truly misses him and his wonderful homilies. Continue to wrap him in healing light and strength.
Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. I pray for the day that you are able to return. You are the best homilist ever. We miss you dearly. God bless you., we hope we get priest like you who are authentic and tRUE. Only then, the priest get inspired by the Holy Spirit and speak from the Core of their heart where God resides. And I believe God resides very well in your hEART and SOUL. Do not worry OFFER UP TO GOD BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU THE MOST. God knows that YOU COULD CHANGE THIS WORLD WITH YOUR SUFFERINGS! God Bless you abundantly, Father Antony!
do you have any idea when Fr. Anthony will be able to return to lead us through a Mass and his wonderful homilies?—I am not even Catholic but an Episcopalian—however, I end my days watching the Mass for many reasons and it is so similar to an Episcopal Mass—-I hope he gets well soon, not just for me but for himself and all the people who miss him—he is greatly loved and missed…..
God’s Name is Mercy. Anytime I see Father Joseph Mary I see Father Anthony Mary in my mind. I sure miss your homilies. May The Lord let His Merciful Face to shine upon you Father. Offer all for the Catholic Church which Jesus founded after so much suffering.
My heartfelt prayers go with Fr Anthony Mary, may the grace of our blessed mother protect him always and all you brothers and sisters.
Dear Father Anthony Mary……I still miss you so much and I’m praying that you are happy and well and at peace with whatever God has allowed you to have. I miss your smile. I hope it’s still there! Bless your heart! And bless God!!
I would like to hear from EWTN about Father’s condition. We miss him!
I too miss Fr. Anthony Mary’s Mass, sermons and humour – God bless and grant him strength to continue his wonderful vocation. You are missed, Father! God bless you.
Is Fr. Joseph Mary brother of Fr. Anthony Mary? I miss the homily that he delivers in all of his the mass services! I thank God for sharing the best there is that He created. I hope that Fr. Anthony will do the Christmas 2019 midnight mass!…
Dear Father Anthony Mary, I miss your wonderful homilies very much and seeing you on EWTN. I pray that you are ok. Thank you for all you have done to bring me closer to Jesus! God please take care of Father Anthony.
Father Tony.. .you are sooo missed! As a retired caregiver for the elderly (most with some type of dementia) I have seen first hand how valuable the televised Mass with it’s homilies are for the homebound. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). They smile when YOU smile and shake their heads at the familiar family stories you share in YOUR homilies In other words they can still participate in the Mass. EWTN’S mission was to bring the Mass to the homebound and YOU were an important part of this mission, The new format resembles a concert and a lot of the homilies are read, not allowing any participation from those who need the televised Mass the most. You are in our hearts and prayers , hurry home. We need YOU.
had no idea that you were ill. just noticed that you weren’t saying Mass and thought you were in Hanceville. Get well and God Bless with a speedy recovery
Father Anthony, hope your health is improving. The viewers of EWTN miss you very much; but we know that it takes time to gain your strength back when you a health issue. In God’s time, not ours. However, when I hear you announce the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on EWTN, I think that you’re back! Then, disappointment sets in when I realize you are still struggling with your health. God bless you!
Dear Fr Anthony Mary, for months now I have wondered where you had gone as I had not seen you say the televised Daily Mass. I do not understand why EWTN or your fellow Brothers’ have not mentioned what had happened – nobody can have too many prayers for healing and strength. Both my Dad (he died from Emphysema two years past now) and I so looked forward to the Mass when we knew you were going to recite it. Your Homilies are so full of love for Our Lord and humanity it feels like you are speaking directly to each of us. I live in the U.K.
Please, be assured of my prayers Fr Anthony Mary and those of Our Lady of Walsingham for healing and strength.
Dr. Andrew C Smith
As you are so much missed, especially your Homilies, would it be possible for you, at your leisure , to produce a cd of some of your homilies?
We miss you Fr. Anthony. We’ve been wondering why we haven’t seen you say Mass. Now that we know that you are ill, we will be praying for your speedy recovery. God bless you Fr. Anthony.
Dear Father Anthony, I was so sorry to hear of your illness. Your so full of life this must be difficult for you. I’m sure that little ANGEL named MOTHER ANGELICA is praying for you and so am I. I wish you well and may GOD have HIS HANDS on you shoulders always. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS-with LOVE. ROSEMAARY
father Anthony we miss you, Happy Advent
Hello Father. I hope you get better soon. May God bless you.
My Dear Fr. Anthony, I hope and pray that you’re feeling better. I had missed seeing you celebrating the mass . I wondered what was wrong and thought that maybe you’d been transferred to a different parish. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling poorly. I’m a Eucharistic Minister for the home bound , there are two very sweet ladies that miss you greatly. They watch the daily mass and missed seeing you when you didn’t came on . They wish you the best of health and a speedy recovery. Hope to see you soon. God Bless You !!! Our Lady Mother Mary cover you with Her mantle and protect you. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.
Sincerely In Christ Jesus,
M. E. V.
Praying for you Father Anthony.
Je vous souhaite, Father, un prompt et durable rétablissement et revenez nous très vite. Que Marie notre mère vous couvre de son manteau🙏🏿❤️💐
Fr Anthony, we love you and await your return to EWTN. Your homilies were a great inspiration to me and enjoyed by my family! You have a way of incorporating daily life with the gospel. Prayers for your good health. We all miss you!
Am upset that no updates are given about Fr Anthony Mary. Please Friars give us some updates.
My dear Father Anthony Mary, I used to look forward to your homilies. You always put a smile on my face. Please hurry back. I pray for you and all our priests from EWTN.
We love you our beloved Father🙏😇📿
Prayers for Father Anthony Mary. Hope to hear an update soon and that he is well.
Dear Father Anthony, so pleased to hear you mentioned on today’s Mass. I have missed you. I can identify with the symptoms mentioned on this page. It is very debilitating and difficult to talk about. There are many things we want to do and my mother used to call me lazy because we don’t have any obvious thing wrong with us. They don’t understand we want to do lots of things and in our mind we are cleaning, gardening or whatever. I hope you enjoy reading because good books are a pleasure and useful use of our time. We can offer that up to the greater glory of God. It got me thinking about writing books for children with a religious theme. I would love to hear from you if you are interested. If your knowledge and EWTN could find an illustrator we could market them and the profits could go to the network. Please think about it. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and don’t want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. Please let me know if you will help. I have to obey the Spirit but feel inadequate for the job. God Bless you, am sure you are still serving the Lord in your situation.✝✝✝✝Don’t mind my email address being given to you. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but don’t use a website yet because am not very technical
Why are my words to father Anthony not there. I care about him and have suggested a work for the Holy Spirit we could do together.
Yes I have said that. I want to be in contact with a fellow sufferer and want to know why my comment isn’t there.
Please leave my message to Father Anthony online.
Love in Christ and the help of Our Lady be with you as we move towards the end of the Christmas Season and into 2020 I hope you return to our screens soon but am sure you have intentions even while you struggle with your fatigue.✝✝
My mother and I wish you a speedy recovery! We miss you, A LOT and we love you! Happy New Year!
did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. He is missed greatly. Hope the next bulletin we receive will be good news. Praying for you.
Missing you Fr..I hope you will return soon.
God bless you and keep you Father Anthony! I really do miss your Homilies and sense of humor.
I will pray for your recovery
Hopefully you are making progress on your well being, God Bless !
I am not a a catholic, but I really enjoyed Father Anthony’s homilies and I do miss his kind delivery. I pray that his health is improving, So happy to hear he will b returning soon🌺
Fr. Antony! What happened to you, We miss you very badly. Please give your inspiring thoughts and teaching and try to put into a book, so we could read that. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. God had showered His Grace abundantly you both. But God has other plans for you Father, maybe you could convert somebody with whom you are living with. We will ask God for you. I thank you for all the wonderful homilies you gave all these years!
Ok Father, gold bricking time is over. 😄
We’ve offered enough prayers for you, you should (by the grace of God) be fit as a fiddle.
In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. 😓
Continuing our prayers for total healing and casting satan to the lake of fire AWAY WAY from you AND take his ailments with him.
We love and miss that smiling face and your wonderful homilies. Prayers are with you. 🙏🙏🙏. You are NEVER alone. 😇💖
Father Anthony I pray you find yourself feeling better. I miss your homies your wonderful sense of humor. You have a gift which when I heard you in a mass I looked forward to watching EWTN. I will continue to pray for the entire network and hope to see you again. Father I miss you. May the Great Lord heal you.
Dear Father Anthony Mary, I have enrolled you in the Purgatory Project for Perpetual Masses are offered for your healing. The Franciscan Missionary Priests through the Seraphic Mass Association will be celebrating these Masses for you, daily and into eternity. Offering my prayers also. God come to Father Anthony’s assistance, Lord, make haste to help him. Joan
Fr Anthony , I miss you very much, but you need to rest. I have a disease called lupus where I need to rest a lot and totally understand. Just knowing that you are there praying is enough for me. God Bless you. I am praying for you.
So glad to hear Father Anthony will be back. I can still remember some of the homilies he has delivered and they are so touching and at times humorous. I smile just thinking of them and hope he is smiling thinking of the love we have for him. God Bless him and all of the brothers. From a devoted fan and practicing Catholic who owes my renewed faith to ETWN.
Praying for recovery and complete healing Fr. Anthony! God be with you always.
I truly miss you at mass on TV. Often wondered what happened and how you were doing . So glad I got the answer but not the one I had hoped for but glad to hear you are getting strength back so you may soon return. Pray for you bother Minnesotan
I miss the “Real world” homilies , Mich like those of the OBLATE), (OSFS) that I studied under, many former military chaplains. My prayers are with you Father.
I love EWTN and I can’t help to see that it’s been well over a year that Fr Anthony Mary has not been at mass. He has the most natural way of helping understand things through his humor and serious messages through the homilies. I can’t express in words how much I miss and long to hear Fr Anthony .is he ever coming back? We don’t hear anything about him in mass anymore. It be nice to hear updates, I am sure I am not alone in saying the value he added to my life and others with his homilies.
Miss you Father Anthony. I have always felt close to you as you are a twin and so am I. I lost my twin many years ago. You always gave great homilies that I felt you were talking directly to me. Prayers being said that you will be well and return to EWTN.
I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. Will continue to pray for you in your time of need. Father Anthony pray for us in our time of need as well. God bless💕🙏
Often wondered what happened to you Fr. Anthony Mary. Today I googled and found out you’ve been ill. I, too, miss you and your homilies. Will pray for your complete healing. God bless you.
Father Anthony , miss you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
We’ll continue to pray for you Fr Anthony.
We’ll continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. Have a Blessed day.
Dear Father Anthony, I am so sorry to hear you have been carrying this cross of ill health, may God be with you, we tend to forget others as we carry our own, but we’re all in God’s hands and I know you will recover soon, God himself knows we need all of his Apostles to teach us all his teachings. I miss you at the Masses and listening to you talk and your laughs while you are speaking of all his good works. Your in my prayers and I know God walks with you. Be well.
So glad to see this update and all the thoughts on this page. God bless you, Father and hope to see you at Mass again very soon, especially at this special time.
For quite some time we have not seen Fr. Anthony saying Mass on EWTN, we are just now finding out that you had a
health problem. After a year and some, we pray you are closer to being back on EWTN to say the Mass. You are greatly missed. We wish the Father’s would give an up-to-date report on your progress. God bless you Father .
Hoping Fr. Anthony will be back soon I miss his humor and smile GOD BLESS
Miss seeing Fr. Anthony, also. Enjoy hearing his voice for the Holy Father’s intentions. I pray that he is still recovering. Would love to hear an update on him.
Appreciate the efforts EWTN is doing to provide daily Mass for us duing the coronavirus.
God bless you and keep you all safe.
I have been looking and looking for you on EWTN masses. Sorry to hear of your illness. I thought maybe you were detailed elsewhere. Now I see you have a terrible illness. I pray the Lord will heal you. It would be great if you could say a Mass once in awhile. I enjoyed your homilies. Get well!
So sorry to hear about Fr Anthony Mary . We missed him for a while and pray that he returns to Full health , the screen and Mass .. what is the latest prognosis on his health ? 🙏🏽🤞🏽Especially at this time of The pandemic . God’s Blessings to you all ..
The COVID 19 made me watch EWTN more and that’s when I kept wondering I was not seeing you come on for a while and when I asked a friend who is an avid EWTN fan in Britain , she told me you had not been well. May this special Divine Mercy feast find you healed totally. Our God is full of compassion and he is merciful. Speedy recovery and looking forward to your inspiring homilies
Frank T from Seattle
I Keep praying for Father Anthony Mary and with God’s will he will be
back celebrating mass and delivering his very uplifting homilies.
Prays for your complete recovery. I miss your wise and cheerful words at daily Mass. I hope and pray you will return very soon!
Father Anthony
All PRAYERS are with you !!!
PEACE James Anthony Lewis
Father Anthony through Christ and in Mary I pray your health will be restored, Send your Spirit Lord to heal Father Anthony.
Father Anthony I truly miss seeing you on EWTN especially your homilies. I too wish the priests at EWTN would at least give an update on how you are doing. I hope to see you back on EWTN soon. May God bless you always and I truly hope you are recovering and feeling better
miss you very much love your sermons hope you get well soon praying for you
Seeing all the comments from so many that miss you – You can see how much you are loved and missed – My prayers are that you recover fully and return soon to saying Mass on TV – We (I) miss you very much
Father Anthony, we miss seeing you and having you offer the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass.
We are praying for your quick return to health. We look forward to seeing you on EWTN soon. God Bless you.
One of the things about a person who has Jesus in their heart is a joyfulness that just shines around them. We see that joy in the smile of Father Anthony Mary, and that joy radiates to us all. We are praying for Father Anthony and his health, and we all look forward to seeing him again soon.
Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. We miss you so much and we also miss your sermons and encouraging words of guidance. I was thrilled when I watched you giving Mass today. God bless you always!!! Thank you for being back.
Dear Rev.Fr. Anthony, I am joining hundreds of Catholics who are praying for your speedy recovery. Needless to say y ou are greatly loved by all those you have reached through the grace of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, and in other priestly activities through the years. May the healing power of God help you to deal with the pain and offer it to Christ. we miss you so much.
I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. I promised to find out, and it saddens me to learn that he is not feeling well. I pray that he gets well to join us very soon. A lot of people miss seeing you and hearing the homily from you. All the Rev Frs are doing a great job. May the peace of God be with you all.
Yes, please give us an update of Fr. Anthony Mary…he is one of the best priests I have seen in EWTN masses
He is full of life and with sense of humor…he is never boring! A good priest in this modern age.
Hopefully he is healthy and safe.
My old-lady boss liked his way of doing the homily. Our thoughts and prayers for Fr. Anthony Mary🙏🙏🙏
Fr. Anthony we are praying for you. We miss you sermons full wisdom. Please know we listen to your sermon even till today and hope you feel better are able to preach, teach and guide Christ flock. God bless you abundantly with every heavenly blessings. Amen 🙏 Alleluia 🙏🏽✝️
Fr. Anthony, We miss you so very, very much. Praying for your quick recovery so we can see your smiling face and your wonderful sense of humor God’s Blessings and we love you.
I miss Father Anthony, the twin–God Bless him and God’s Holy Mother keep him.
I miss Fr. Anthony–the Twin, God Bless him and God’s Holy Mother keep him.
Oh Dear Jesus I will pray for you and you family. Fr. Anthony, I have long been waiting for you to say mass but never thought that you were ill. Oh no, May Mamman Marie take care of you. I hope and pray that you get better and regain your health. I miss his inspiring homilies. I had the honor to see you on TV. I continue to watch old ones. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. God bless you, Fr. Anthony. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. As you know we are being tested. Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. I will keep you and your family in my prayers always.
thank you
I have only just found out that Fr Anthony is ill. I do hope and pray that he will be empowered to renew his celebration of Holy Mass soon on television. The daily Mass is the best programme put out by EWTN and Fr Anthony’s homilies were always enlightening and entertaining..
Fr. Anthony, today, on the observance of the 5th apparition of OL of Fatima, I beg Our Heavenly Mother to intercede for you. My family in Minnesota misses you to no end at the EWTN daily Mass. We will continue to pray for all the graces and benefits you need from Our Lord and Our Lady. +JMJ+ The Helmueller’s
Father Anthony I miss your homilies,,,,,,, God Bless You! Have a beautiful day…,,,,,
Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer.
I have missed you on EWTN Radio Mass and had no idea you were ill. There seem to be many changes all the time. Today, I begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom I just understood-loves me! That being so, how could she not love you all the more. Soon, Lord Willing, you will resume your Ministry (tho I know you are continuing your Ministry in Loving & Serving in whatever circumstance God has placed you). You are needed in more than one place! Hurry.
Father Anthony I wish you well I wish you peace I wish you comfort I miss your homilies I was really trying to reach out to you I’m going through a very difficult time mourning the loss of my husband my mother my mother-in-law my son my sister my sister my brother all over a number of years I always felt like I could probably relate very well with you if you read this My name Elizabeth
Fr. Anthony Mary, we miss you but pray that your health will be restored. May God’s Grace provide for your needs at this time. And, may God continue to bless you and keep you. Hoping to hearing you again soon.
I have been a loyal supporter of EWTN for some time. In fact it was EWTN that brought me into the catholic faith after a very long journey of searching for Jesus. I enjoy the daily mass very much but I do miss seeing Fr. Anthony Mary. I hope he is doing well. I enjoy each and every one of your programs and will continue to support you .
Dear Fr Anthony Mary, Can you please leave us a word or two so we can be at peace about you and your health!
You are loved by so many and are missed dearly! I have written you letters in the past with timely correspondence.
I am hoping that you can give us any info. You are in my most fervent prayers.
Dear God, please place You healing hands on Fr. Anthony Mary. Let him feel Your loving arms around him. We love him and miss seeing and hearing his homilies. Let him gain strength and be able to carry on doing Your good works. I ask these things in Jesus Name.
We miss Fr. Anthony Mary and his homilies. Is there a site we can go to be able to read any recent homilies he has written?
Happy Birthday Father Anthony
Fr. Anthony I miss you saying mass. I have watched EWTN since my cable started carrying EWTN. I loved your sermons . Iam imploring the friars to please give us an update on how you are doing and when we can see you say mass again. God bless you and I will continue praying for you.
Fr. Anthony Mary, How are you doing? You have touched so many people in the world. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! That will be sufficient for all of us who miss you very much.
Dear Fr. Anthony, you are most cherished here in Mexico. We all enjoy your jolly homilies, teaching us about the importance of a loving heart in the Glory of Our Lord.
Fr. Anthony, I hope you are doing well. I pray for you every day. God Bless you…..
How is it possible to miss someone so long after they have disappeared? I guess you really made a serious impact on my life. I totally understand your illness. I too have a illness that does not leave any outward signs but never the less prevents me from doing the things I want to do especially the sudden bouts of fatigue. Have any thoughts been made on publishing your homilies? or a book on meditation? or a little snippet of a program with a thought for the day?
Fr. Anthony, I am praying for you. I just love your smile and sense of the holy. I miss you!
We love you and miss you. Just discovered you are not well we wondered where you were. A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. May GOD heal you and bring you back soon.
Dear Fr. Anthony, this message is past due. I pray for your return to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN. I miss you very much. Pax et Bonum
I can’t wait to see Fr. Anthony on the EWTN alter delivering his soul soothing homilies.
I hope he is recovering fast. I have been wondering what keeping him away until I decided to ask google.
Sad to hear about Fr. Anthony. We dearly miss your beautiful voice in EWTN . Get well soon We continue to pray for you all the way from Nairobi Kenya.
I miss you and your homily Fr. Anthony. I hope you’ll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. May all the saints extend their healing hands for your quick recovery. God bless.
Father Anthony ~ I, too, miss your Homilies. Do appreciate hearing your voice when you include your prayer for the Pope. May the Lord continue to heal you. God Bless.
Father Anthony,
I pray for your continued healing. Know that you are missed, but kept in our hearts and prayers. Be well. God bless.
FATHER ANTHONY MARY…God Bless You Dear Father
We have missed you but continue to pray for you to have a healing from the LORD. Love U and met you one time
when we travelled to the mass at EWTN. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. thank you Jesus for giving us Father Anthony and hope he will be back soon.
I watch EWTN mostly in the morning and miss Fr. Anthony. May God help him in his illness and bring him back to EWTN
Hello Fr. Anthony, May Our Lord Bless and Heal You…We love you.
I miss you so much Father Anthony my whole family love you. I pray for you everyday. I wonder what happened to you!
Dear father Anthon boyh my husband miss you Pleas be assured you will be in our prayers Also HOLY MASS & HOLY COmmunion
Fr. Anthony may Our Lady take good care of you! Get well soon and come back soon! I wish the Priest’s would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from live masses!
Praying to St. Raphael for you Fr. Anthony. God be with you !!!
Praying to the Little Flower and St. Francis for the healing of Fr. Anthony.
Still no word on Fr. Anthony Mary. I pray with everyone that the LORD bless and heal you. You have been such a joy and hope to all of us. I am so sorry that you are ill. Please send us word of your joys.
I missed Fr. Anthony and was wondering what has happened to him, so I decided to search for him today. Sorry to hear about his illness. I will pray for him. Hope to see you Daily Mass soon.
You have been gone since Mother passed away are you still with the Franciscan priests? Would be ever so glad if you would come back and read Mass on TV again. I really miss your beautiful homilies. None of the other priest can hold my attention that I would watch them twice a day like I would you. God bless you and hurry back.
Fr. Anthony please know you are in my prayers. I miss your soft spoken meaningful homilies and your sense of humor. I anxiously await your return to good health and EWTN. God Bless you with Life’s Best.
I have chronic fatigue syndrome/ fibromyalgia and it is a real test of the faith that time. Thank God for EWTN, and for priests like Father Anthony. It sure has been a blessing through what I consider a spiritual battle.
Still miss Fr. Anthony and praying he will return to Daily Mass on EWTN. May Our Lord bless and heal you. Hope EWTN will give us an update on Fr. Anthony.
When will Father Anthony return. Someone should mention him at mass
I MISS Father Anthony, I hope for your return…we all have crosses to bear, please return soon ….Take care Father, and many prayers sent… March 10, 2022
I contribute my prayer for all of you Franciscan Friars of the Eternal Word, and God’s continuing grace for the recovery of Fr. Anthony Mary. I have come to believe, the special privilege God granted your spiritual father, St. Francis of Assisi extends to you, his followers too. For all you did, serving as a beacon that helped keep the catholic faith life on, with masses -homilies and Holy Communion, during the COVID pandemic is greatly appreciated. Many thanks to all of you and especially, Fr. Joseph and EWTN staff. May God bless you all and your families.
Dear Fr Anthony, Please take care of yourself, as you can see you are loved and missed but, only you can tell when you will be ready to come back, so be well, be safe and know you covered in the prayers department. I know God will answer all of our prayers in his time. be well.
Prayers for you, Fr Anthony Mary. You are missed.
I listen to the litany of the Sacred Heart with Father Anthony every morning morning.
Randy: Like yourself I have missed Father Anthony and it was the best Valentine’s Day gift that I could receive hearing that he would be back with us in the near future.Randy
Fr. Anthony and all EWTN Friars, our prayers are for all of you, your families and staff.
Fr. Anthony, though we have not seen you offering Mass recently, but remember, God in His infinite love has given you the grace to sow the words of the gospel in our hearts through your homilies. Those words are germinating and growing, and by God’s grace would bear fruits in abundance to the glory of God and our salvation. I was listening to your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass. Like a diligent Sower, God allowed you to carefully, sow the words in our hearts in this and your other homilies. God is glorified even, in previous wonderful homilies you, Franciscans Friars have given the world. Praise be His Holy name through your dedication.
I am writing on behalf of my prayerful 95 year old mother-in-law, Irene. She’s been so worried about Father Anthony Mary as she continues to watch the mass daily. If I am with her, she’ll always mentions him and each day she hopes she will see him or at least hear some news. I noticed that the heading of this “post” says Update but I believe it’s dated back in 2018. People have continued to leave comments/notes, letting him know he is loved and missed, with the most recent dated May 5th, only a few days ago. I haven’t seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. It would be great to hear something. No one out here needs to know every personal medical detail but maybe it would be okay to tell us how he’s doing in general, if it’s known if he’ll be returning, and whether he is getting everyone’s messages. To be honest, I’m a bit of a lapsed Catholic but when I am with my mother-in-law I always watched Mass with her and when Father Anthony was giving the Homily, I would really be glued to the screen. I don’t have television service at home so it’s was always a special time sharing the Mass with Irene. I just spoke with her for Mother’s Day and she mentioned Father Anthony Mary again so I offered to see what I could find. Please help all of us who have been asking questions out of love and concern. I pray you will respond. Thank you in advance.
I, for one have been searching high and low for news re Fr Anthony Mary.
It feels like one day, he just suddenly disappeared without a trace.
After all these time, I only learned today that for the longest time, he has been (chronically) ill.
I miss his gentle voice, sweet smile and spiritually inspiring homilies.
Now that i know, I will pray for his complete healing to the Holy Eucharist .
Fr Anthony, stay strong.
We are all praying and rooting for your healing.
Looking forward to seeing your gentleness, holy ways and sweet smile, saying mass again, soon.
Happy feast day father anthony. We miss you. Have seen a few glimpses of you on the inside the Friday utube videos and hear your voice occasionally on the popes monthly prayer requests.
Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. Anthony Mary. I really miss his homilies and I was wondering what happened to him. Now that I know, will surely include him in my prayers. Please Lord restore his health 🙏 we miss you Fr. Anthony Mary! Come back soon🙏
Please if anyone can give us updates on him..
What’s up, EWTN? Surely an update on Fr. Anthony of Mary is long over due??? God bless your mission!
how is father anthony doing , will he ever come back to active ministry?
Something is very strange about Fr. Anthony’s disappearance. The Community doesn’t even mention him on his Feast Day.
Nos extraño no verlo en las misas y ahora sabemos de sus problemas de salud, pedimos a Dios, Jesús y la Virgen María por su pronta recuperación, estará en nuestras oraciones. Amen
I miss Father Anthony and his humorous homilies. I pray and hope that he’ll get well soon.
Through the grace of God, may Father Anthony be healed and restored to perfect and good health and strength. In Jesus Name, amen and amen.
I miss Fr. Antony a lot?? What happened to him?? Why EWTN never updates ?? God sees every message that we write here. We owe Fr. Antony a lot for his genuine LOVE for God spoke from his heart. That is why no one could forget him. May good God Bless him abundantly! Amen.