IRONDALE, Ala. – The Friars offered prayers and Masses for Mother Angelica and recalled fond memories of her life and legacy on the 1st anniversary of her passing.
Early Monday morning the Friars began their day with praying the office of the dead for their beloved foundress. Fr. John Paul offered the 7:00AM TV Memorial Mass for her. He preached a very moving homily that received many compliments.
Bishop Robert Baker of the Diocese of Birmingham offered a Mass at 11:00AM for Mother at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Fr. Mark preached another powerful homily on Mother’s legacy. Fathers Joseph, Miguel, Paschal, Anthony, John Paul and Leonard concelebrated while Br. Leo served and Mass and Br. Bernard was in attendance.
Afterwords, they had a brief visit with the Poor Clare Sisters and then prayed private prayers at Mother’s tomb. View reflections on the life of Mother Angelica on our YouTube channel.