IRONDALE, Ala. – Five zealous and joyous vocation inquirers attended our Julyvocations retreat. They came from Michigan, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. Allparticipated in our daily schedule of prayer, work and recreation. Our VocationDirector Fr. Paschal Mary led the retreat, providing conferences and spiritualguidance. Check our website and social media for information about futureretreats. Pray we get more vocations.
Good Day Father,
This may not be the correct format for asking, but I came upon this while searching for a flyer on your June 6-9 Vocations retreat. I received a Fishers of Men news letter and saw it on the back page. I was inspired to make copies for our parish Narthex, but decided to come to the website
to see if perhaps there would be a printable version. So my question is: Is there a printable flyer for your San Damiano Vocations Retreat June 6-9, 2019, and if so is it possible that I may print for distribution in my Narthex? Thank you and God bless you and your work…
Laura U
Great idea. We’ll post on our homepage for you to print! Thank you.