Lord Jesus Christ,
Only Son of the Father,
I beg and implore you
To grant me mercy and healing
From all my infirmities.
I offer You all my sufferings
In reparation for all the sins
Of the world.
May I never suffer alone,
But with a heart
Fully united to yours.
Father in Heaven
You know my concerns
Before ever a word
Is uttered from my lips.
I voice to You my
Utmost concerns.
Grant if it be according
To Your Perfect Will
The petition that I
Place before your Throne.
I ask this in the Holy Name
Of Jesus the Lord.
I kneel before you
A broken man.
Give me Grace
To see in my
Sufferings the
Infirmitities that
You bore
For me.
May one day
The sufferings that
I endure for the
Sake of your Body
The Church
Be glorified
Just as your wounds.
Many years ago Father Joseph Mary recited a prayer for those persons and their families who suffer from addiction. We have a nephew who is in deep addiction an also suffers from depression-anxiety. Please help us find this prayer and please keep us in your daily prayers.
How could I obtain a copy of the prayer for healing said at the end of the holy hour for justice and healing please?