Some Catholic public servants say they are personally opposed to abortion, but they will vote for laws that legalize the killing of the pre-born. Of course, they would not kill their own children; but they would support laws that would allow you to kill yours. Are some children more precious than others? How long will it take for these lawmakers to understand that they are guilty of murder under God because human life begins at the moment of conception, and they are cooperators in this killing by not protecting the lives of the most vulnerable in our society. Before the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness is our right to life and it is inalienable!
Forbidding abortion is not a law peculiar to the Christians of Jews. Even before “Thou shalt not kill,” appears on the Ten Commandments, it is already the Natural Law, written on the fleshy tablet of the human heart. In virtue of our membership in the human race, we are expected to observe this command and law. We are not trying to inflict our values and our beliefs on anybody else. One lady doctor admitted the human personality of the unborn but she justified abortion on the grounds that the person in the womb was an unjust aggressor whose life could be terminated, like the enemy in the heat of combat. Would you believe that?
Catholic public servants who persist in legalizing the killing of babies in the womb are told that they must not receive Holy Communion. The burden is on them not to present themselves to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ because that would be sacrilege, the desacralization of the Sacred Person. How could they possibly be in the state of sanctifying grace without a firm purpose of amendment which promises not to keep that position in the future? And the state of grace (no unrepented grave sins on the soul) is a necessary condition for receiving the Holy Eucharist worthily.
We are told that it is the duty of the Bishop of the Diocese to catechize these people who support abortion. What more could the bishops do to clarify God’s laws about the malice of allowing such killing. Such crass ignorance must be dispelled. When one public servant was approached by a bishop in regard to forbidding partial birth abortion, his answer was, “I must study the constitutional implications of such a decision.” How much longer must he have to study to gain clarification on the point? Forty-eight more years? I have my doubts that they would be willing to change in 4800 years! Such is the hardness of the human heart! What a horrible scandal!
I am afraid there will be a day of reckoning for such a cavalier attitude toward the disposing of human life, the second greatest creation in the world. Can you think of anything in the world more precious than human life? A seat in Congress? Your investments? Your real estate? Your cars? Your jewelry? Your clothes? Your furniture? Your job? Your education? Your career? It’s all just so much dirt compared to human life. The only gift that surpasses human life in this world in value is the Holy Eucharist. You are not worthy to receive the Eucharist unless you are willing to protect human life from the womb to the tomb. Our God will not be mocked!
Thank you for your clarity ! We must always speak the Truth with charity but also with absolute clarity. 🙏🏻
For the writting style of the article, I suppose it was Fr. Miguel who wrote it. And i congratulate him, because in these times of so much moral relativism, i’s necesary to speak in strong terms to awaken consciences and show the gravity of the situation. May God bless all of you!!
To the truth with the utmost clarity, Amen!
I have worked for years for life but rarely hear a priest discuss from the pulpit the Church’s teachings on abortion or euthanasia. A former priest said he doesn’t discuss this and other issues regarding life because he doesn’t want to isolate himself from young people who may be pregnant. I have heard from mothers that they were harassed by doctors to abort their babies with cystic fibrosis, which my 3 children had. One son was an engineer in charge of the molds that made most of the taillights in Canada and the US with 3 colors, red, yellow, and white, you see them everywhere. It breaks my heart that people like my sons are being put to death when their lives are as precious as anyone else who will live to be an old person. We need priests who will educate our people about the sanctity of All human life.
Thank you for your firmness on abortion. You write not in ambiguity nor with the desire to please certain people. You speak of truth, which is clear, though it may be painful and hard to hear. Thank you!
I would like to see by-lines of articles written, please. The author of the lead story in ‘Fishers of Men’ was the reason I sent in a donation.