Fr. Joseph Mary gives us 3 ways in which we as faithful Catholics can respond to the recent scandals in the Church:

  1. Don’t stick with the status quo.
    (Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s letter to the faithful regarding the ongoing sexual abuse crisis in the Church)
  2. Don’t commit spiritual suicide.
    (Statement by Bishop Robert J. Baker Regarding Recent Sex Scandal to the Clergy and Lay Faithful of the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama)
  3. Live the Way of the Saints!


3 thoughts on “3 Ways We Can Respond to the Recent Scandals in the Church

  1. Father Joseph delivered a very powerful and profound homily on 8-21-18. I wrote these steps down and have shared with friends on social media. God bless you all.

  2. The time has come that the church (all of us) should pray harder. However, these abusers should not be rewarded by transfering them somewhere else. They must go to jail and not be permitted to officiate mass again!

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