Our community celebrated Fr. Anthony’s Silver Jubilee (25th Anniversary) of Religious Life on, December 30, his birthday. Congratulations Fr. Anthony, may the Lord grant you many more holy years!!!

81 thoughts on “Fr. Anthony Celebrates Silver Jubilee of Religious Life

  1. You have collectively reinforced my faith! Thank you. P.S. When is Fr. Anthony saying televised mass?
    I love the Franciscans! Here in NY, I try my best to visit/attend St. Francis church in Manhattan.
    God bless each one of you!

    1. Congratulations Father Anthony on your Silver Anniversary. We pray God, The Healer, to restore your strength. We miss your homelies.

      1. I attended fr Anthony’s ordination.
        N while there at ewt. For an inter6. It was a beautiful ceremony
        I’m praying for you father Anthony! From Toronto

  2. Thank you for answering God’s call and for being His faithful servant. May God bless you always. Happy belated birthday. And many more!
    I miss seeing you on EWTN.

  3. congratulations Fr. Anthony on your 25th anniversary. Miss seeing you, pray God is with you and your health will get better. Watch EWTN Mass everyday.

  4. Continued healing and prayers. Finding you on EWTN is what brought me back to the Church. I am forever in your debt.

  5. Congratulations Father Anthony…on your ordination jubilee year and your birthday! God Bless you and your loved ones! I also have placed your name for prayers on our prayer list at St Joseph’s in Port St. Joe, Florida here in the Panhandle! Hope you are better soon!!!!!

  6. felicito al Padre Antonio y siento no verlo celebrando misa que el Senor lo bendiga y la Sma Virgen lo cubra con su manto

  7. Bless you, Father Anthony, on your anniversary. You touched so many with your caring homilies and I check frequently about you and miss seeing you terribly!

  8. Happy belated birthday and congratulations Father Anthony on your jubilee! Sure miss you reading the mass on ewtn watch to see if you are going to be there. God Bless and keep you. Hope to see you soon!!!!! Lost a daughter to cancer this past July unbearable. Please keep me in your prayers.

  9. Congratulations on your anniversary and Happy Birthday! Hope you are well and will be back soon.May Jesus healing power touch you Spiritually, mentality and physically and emotionally from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. I ask this in Jesus name.

  10. I missed the mass of Fr, Anthony. Every night and most morning at 9 am I watched the mass at EWTN. I met Fr. Mark at the Little Sisters of the Poor in San Francisco few times. I was the Director of Nursing there in San Francisco . He was with two novices. Congratulations on your silver Anniversary Fr. Anthony. I love your homily. I like all the Friars. I watched the ordinations of Fr. Bernard, Fr. John Paul, Fr. Patrick Mary , Fr. Paschal and Fr. Mathew. I seldom see Fr. Miguel say mass. I see Fr. Joseph all the time saying mass.

  11. Congratulations on your birthday & Jubilee. Praying for you daily. Miss you so much at Mass. Watch Mass each day hoping someday you will be well enough to return. You have great gifts and you should be sharing your wisdom with us. God bless you!

  12. Congratulations and best wishes on your Jubilee anniversary and birthday.
    Looking forward to seeing you soon on the televised Daily Mass, we miss you.
    My thoughts and prayers.

  13. Congratulations on your anniversary and happy birthday. I miss you terribly. I pray you get well. You brightened my day. God bless you. From a purely selfish perspective, please come back to us. You are truly loved and missed.

  14. Congratulations and belated happy birthday to you, Fr. Anthony, and your dear twin sister. My Mom had dementia and would get upset when she wanted to watch the Mass, if it wasn’t on…so we videotaped one of your Masses a few years ago, and watched it over and over again, so many times! May God bless you with health and peace.

  15. Writing from Nairobi, Kenya. Better late than never. Congratulations Father Anthony for loving and serving Jesus this many years. Unknowingly, you introduced me to EWTN. As I was flipping through various TV channels, I came across one where Holy Mass was being celebrated by you!! I didn’t even know there was a Catholic TV station in my package of choice. That was in 2014 and since then EWTN is my preferred daily channel. May the Lord God Almighty guide you, protect you and restore you to excellent health for the glory of His name.

  16. Dear Fr Anthony Mary, I have been wondering where you have disappeared to. Where are you Father? For over one year you have not celebrated the Holy Mass at EWTN. I am of the opinion that we should have been informed of your whereabouts instead of keeping us in suspense. I wish you continuous success in your career as the ordained Priest of the Most High God. May He bless and protect you in the shadow of His wings. Amen.

  17. CONGRATULATIONS FR. ANTHONY, 25 years in our Blessed Lords service, may He continue to strengthen you, body and soul. Look forward to you celebrating the Holy Mass soon.
    God bless you and all the Friars!

    1. Yes, you’re absolutely right, he hasn’t been officiating any Masses on TV in over a year. What’s wrong?

      1. I miss Fr. Anthony Mary celebrating Holy Mass, especially during this Pandemic. I pray that he is well.

  18. I always pray for Fr. Anthony Mary. I surely miss him saying mass on TV. Please give us an update on his health.

  19. Congratulations Fr Anthony Mary! We love you and miss you very much. How we wish we could hear another of your thoughtful and comedic homilies that always lifts us up. We will be praying for you, and God’s Plan for your life. Please pray for us.

  20. Father Anthony miss you celebrating mass at EWTN. Currently viewing Jim and Joy and see you as guest .It’s a rerun and I am happy seeing you giving blessing to the viewers. I hope you are fine Father Anthony Mary. Hope to see you back at EWTN. God Bless you. Take care

  21. I just miss father Anthony Mary and his gentle way of saying the homily he is always so joyful and inspire me. Pray for his return to say mass. God bless you and heals you. 🙏❤

  22. May God continue to Bless You. Always praying for you and the other friars. I met you and Fr Mark in May of 2017, when I was on a visit to EWTN. Be Safe and belated Birthday wishes and silver jubilee anniversary.

  23. Dear Fr Anthony

    We miss your homilies and the infectious joy with which you serve.

    We pray for the restoration of your health and hope to see you say Mass again soon

  24. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. Hope you will be better soon.Pray for my husband who has cancer. Thank you and God bless you.

  25. WE missed you Fr. Anthony and just now found out that you are ill. We will be praying for your recovery and hope that you can soon be on the EWTN Mass very soon. We love you.

  26. I think 🤔 of you and pray for you frequently. No one can give homilies like you do. I wish I would have kept the many TV recordings. Please tell me if I can purchase some. Congratulations on your Silver Jubilee. I didn’t know this. God led me to your sight.

  27. Father Anthony I have missed you so very much on the daily Mass. I pray for a return of good health for you.

  28. Fr Anthony may God enshroud you with his mantle of healing and bring you back to good health. We miss you and we love you.You are always in our daily prayers for healing. You never walk alone in addition to Jesus and his Blessed Mother we are always there with you.

  29. Sorry I missed this beautiful ceremony! My husband passed away on 12/31/2019 so I was not really myself. My oldest daughter shares your birthday and Saint Anthony is a special patron of mine! I, too, miss you at Mass and I’m praying that someday you may be back. God bless you and Mary hold you as you go forward!

  30. Wishing you a happy saints day. I was hoping you would be there on st Anthony of Padua feast day. Miss you all the time. Just hearing your voice in the holy father’s intentions makes me smile. May your health continue to get better

    1. Miss your homilies Fr. Anthony they always lifted my spirits and made me stronger in my faith. May the blessed Mother Mary be at your side to heal you faster.

  31. Miss your homilies Fr. Anthony they always lifted my spirits and made me stronger in my faith. May the blessed Mother Mary be at your side to heal you faster.

  32. We’ve been missing you Fr Anthony Mary. We pray all is well with you and hoping you’ll be back saying mass at EWTN. You’re an inspiration Father.
    Blessings of good health to you. Keep us in your prayer. We love you, we respect you.

  33. 16 years ago I moved to Italy, my mother advised me not to abandon my faith, since I would be alone from then on, and only Jesus and the holy Mary would take care of me.
    Then it happened, searching something to watch on satellite, I found EWTN, I stopped there because of the holy mass. The priest was Fr. Anthony Mary, his homily captured me, his passion, his simple words, his smile, I understood that God was sending me a message, I didn’t feel lonely anymore from that very moment, God sent me a new father who could guide me through my new and lonely life.
    Thank you Fr. Anthony, thanks to your fabulous homilies I never abandoned my faith, and also discovered a new way of live it.
    God bless you!!

  34. A very belated happy birthday and happy anniversary on your Silver Jubilee to Father Anthony!! I am another who misses Father Anthony and hope & pray that God grants him good health again as He is doing (slowly) for me. I miss the inspiration, gentleness in the truth & humor of his homilies!

  35. October 2, 2020 – just now finding this site! That’s what happens at 88 years old! So greatly miss you, Father Anthony. Treasure the times I personally met you in years past when visiting Irondale and then Hanceville. Your homilies – so meaningful, uplifting and love the personal touches, as well. Somehow when you and Father Joseph Mary are delivering these magnificent homilies, I seem to feel the presence of Mother Angelica hovering over you both.
    I understand you often do the Mass at noon for the EWTN employees. Is there any way EWTN could develop access to your Mass? Everyone misses you greatly, and as a Media Missionary here in the Orlando area, I am often asked about Father Anthony Mary. Sending endless prayers for your improved health, and return to the Daily Mass Schedule. God’s blessings in all your endeavors. As well, His peace, joy, patience and endless love to all the Franciscan Priests and Brothers – you fellows are the VERY BEST! In this ‘mad world’ today. to switch off the endless turmoil presented by most of the TV media and to turn on to EWTN
    saves my sanity. I make this recommendation to everyone I know. My prayers, always from Frances Tomcavage

  36. Dear Fr Anthony. Congratulations and God bless you on your Silver Anniversary of your ordination. And a very happy birthday to you. These wishes come to you from Mumbai. I miss listening to your beautiful homilies. And seeing your shy smile. Please God to bless you and heal you. And I hope you’ll be back to celebrate mass for us very soon.

  37. We miss your homilies Fr. Anthony. May the good Lord give you strength and good health so you can say masses for us. We love you and will always tray for you.

  38. Please tell us where Father Anthony Mary is? I am so worried about him. I loved hearing him say the mass. He was awesome !

  39. Please let us know how we can reach Father Anthony Mary. My mother asks for him several times a day and I dont have an answer for her. PLEASE RESPOND AND LET US KNOW HOW WE CAN REACH HIM…

  40. How is Fr. Anthony’s health? I haven’t seen him celebrating the daily mass in a very long time. is he going to be celebrating mass soon. I love his down to earth homilies. I always seem to be able to relate to them. Pray every day for his healing. Miss him very much.

  41. Dear Fr Anthony. I just caught up with this message and celebration of your Silver Jubilee of religious life on Dec 30, 2019. Congratulations and May God be blessing you at this time. I too have missed your Masses and homilies. I so enjoyed the homilies. You brought so much to light . May you be doing well even now as are not on the EWTN Mass celebrations. God be with you and bring you back to Mass on air.
    Peace and God bless you.

  42. I endorse my belated congratulations. Miss you at televised daily Mass. Praying for you daily. May Our Lord shower you with good health and graces to help in your ministry. You have a special heart and touch so many.

  43. Dear Fr. Anthony, congratulations on your Silver Jubilee. Hope you are doing well. Miss you on EWTN. God bless you.

  44. Dear Father Anthony, I always loved your homilies. It was like sunshine and a beautiful touch of fresh air and humor about life situations. You have a special heart, we miss you. Praying you would be healed. Congratulation on your Silver Anniversary. May God Bless you with good health and keep you in the palm of His hands.

  45. Dear Father Anthony, Congratulations on your Silver Jubilee. Your calling has touched so many lives. One day I was randomly changing channels on the TV and you were giving a homily. I stopped and listened. You moved me in such a profound way that the next day I watched again. This was my first time viewing Mass on TV. I began to watch and was disappointed when you had a day off. I was so sad when you went on to do other things. I sometimes go to YouTube just to hear your old homily. You have such a humanizing, compassionate, engaging way of bringing the Gospel to life. Thank you for being a big part of my reconnection to the Church. I hope you are healthy and happy, just know that if you ever decided to return to TV ministry, many peoples prayer would be answered. God Bless You Always.

  46. Dear Fr. Anthony, I stumbled across your Silver Jubilee posting and I’m glad I did. First, congratulations! That’s a nice milestone. I hope and pray you are doing better and that some day you will make it back to our screens to give us God’s wisdom and inspiration once again. You are dearly missed. I can’t say it enough your homilies were phenomenal. I had been watching 7AM mass from San Antonio since 1999 and needless to say your were surrounded by an all star cast of priests who delivered “The Word!” We pray you will come back one day and surprise us all. You are in my prayers as well as all EWTN staff. May God bless you.

  47. Just finished the EWTN mass always praying it’s you Fr Anthony I want to thank you for bringing me back to Church and Holy Confession after 50 years of being absent your homilies were always inspirational you are a great Priest we all miss and love you and pray to see soon on EWTN. Praying God will bring you great healing

  48. Good Morning, I am 81 years old and have been seeing EWTN for at least 5 years, but my TV broke last night and for the first time, no mass no rosary tried to see it on the computer but was not able to
    I miss Father Anthony he really inspired me, Father John Paul and Father Leonard are also very good with there homilies

  49. Father Anthony, Ian forever grateful for you!!! You Mass celebrations we so meaningful, appreciated and deeply helpful!! And your JOY WAS YOUR INNER PRESENCE of JESUS smiling at us!! We miss you, love you and your loving ways!!!!thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for Father Anthony❤️🙏🙏🙏

  50. Dear Fr. Anthony,
    Like do many viewers, i miss terribly your gentle, insightful homilies filled with humorous anecdotes that speak to our everyday lives. You celebrate Mass so beautifully and this is dearly missed. As a 30yr lapsed y, your homilies helped bring me back home to the Church. Not sure what health issues may ne afflicting you, but I pray our good God will bring you complete healing through the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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