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Thanks for your encouragement God bless xxx
Welcome back Father Leonard God Bless You and we are praying for you always
So very happy to see Fr Leonard is back!! I didn’t know what happened to him. I emailed ones to ask if he was OK but I never got a response. I’m just so happy he’s back I just love him he’s so genuine and loving! I was happy that he gave us a way to keep in touch with all the fryers! So I joined your page. God bless you all. I love you so much!
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I was so glad that all of the friars were OK from their travels from their trip from the EWTN Family Celebration
What a blessing is EWTN now that my active work is done.
So very pleased to see Fr Leonard back, I missed him.
I’ll pray for his continued improvement.
As I am not on any of the platforms mentioned above I would like to receive the lates news about the friars. So happy to see Fr Leonard back!
Praise the Lord
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We are sooooo happy to see you back at Mass. We were really concerned about you. Praise be Jesus you are recovering and are healthy.
We missed you!!!!!! Welcome back!!!!!!
Happy to see Father Leonard is back. God bless you all
I was also happy and relieved to hear Fr. Leonard at this morning’s Mass. Wishing him continued recovery. God Bless him and all the Friars.
We’ve missed you, Fr. Leonard, and are so happy you’re doing well. You are in our prayers.
What a blessing to see Father Leonard giving the mass today . Thanks be to God and prayers for his continual recovery. Welcome back Father Leonard!
What happen to Father Anthony? I have not seen him on any mass for the past 5 years. The last time that someone told me he step down and couldn’t do Mass in morning.
Happy to see Father Leonard back
God bless all the friars
Glad to see fr Leonard!!
Love all of you!
Lovely to see Father Leonard today. I’ve really missed him. Glad you are feeling better.
Thank you all for all you do. Very much appreciated here.
Fr. Leonard, you have been missed and daily prayed for! May you continue to heal and know my prayers will continue! God bless you always! Karen Hamilton
Good to see Father Leonard back today! Was wondering where he had disappeared to-sorry to hear about accident. Praying for full recovery🙏🏻
Both my husband and I have been wondering, where Fr. Leonard was! We have been praying and will continue to pray!
Father John Paul Mary, thank you for your amazing Gospels! I enjoy them so much…thank you for your inspiration!
Me too.
For a long time have enjoyed all the Friars’ homilies and presence at EWTN tv. Glad Fr. Leonard is getting well. Heard Fr. Joseph knew of some having chemo treatments. I had cancer about 42 years ago.
Here is info on fighting cancer with foods like olive oil and even vitamin D can help. They have many podcasts on cancer research from Dr. Moss. God bless, Monica Pompeii
Father John Paul ‘s homily today, 15/05/23, was one of the best homilies I have ever heard. It was so informative and so clear and to the point. Thank you, it has really inspired me to do more than I am doing.
I have been asking about Jim’s absence too. Is he all right?
I have not seen Jim, the Sacristan, lately at Mass in the morning. Will he be back?
Good evening brethrens
I’m so happy to be members of this mighty family of Christ.
I’m from Uganda.
I love you all,I just concluded mass celebrated by Fr Patrick Mary