With the feasts of All Saints and All Souls behind us and Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas around the corner, our community is busy as usual!
We just finished up the EWTN Catholic Radio Conference here in Birmingham. On the 14th, Fr. John Paul spoke at a Theology on Tap on the subject of the Year of Mercy and living mercy the rest of our lives. And, in a week, Fr. John Paul and Br. Leo will be off to a Family Vocation Day in Kentucky.
With Thanksgiving celebrations coming up, we’re reminded of how blessed we are to serve God’s people in a variety of ways and, of course, to spend regular time in prayer. And, as we are still in the month dedicated to the Holy Souls, don’t forget to continue praying for them!
As we approach the Feast of Christ the King at the end of the month, it is a perfect time to recall that everything good we have been given–including our gifts, talents and ministries–come from the Lord.