Top 10 “Accountability Questions” for the New Year
With the New Year now upon us and the passing of one penitential season (Advent) into another more f...
The Saints and the Beatitudes
Today the universal Church celebrates the solemn feast of All Saints. We remember not only the saint...
Friars Elect New Community Servant (Superior) and Administration
IRONDALE, Ala. - Friars held elections at Annunciation Friary Friday August 12th in the presence of...
Engaging in Dialogue with One’s Enemies
There is a musician named Daryl Davis who tells the story in a video online of why he, as a black ma...
The Love & Power of the Holy Spirit
Our modern age has witnessed powerful and wonderful achievements in technology, industry and weaponr...
The Sheep Hear the Shepherd’s Voice
There’s a video online that shows a modern-day shepherd walking through a field with a line of sheep...
A Saint in Turbulent Times
There’s a tendency among many Catholics to become seriously disturbed by the state of the Church and...
Only the Good Die Young
Dear Family, I love the saying, “Only the good die young” because it is true. God created us good. I...
Human Witnesses to the Resurrection
A very happy Easter to all of you, your families, your friends, and your loved ones! On this glor...
Baptism Makes Us a New Creation
I don’t think anyone could imagine a more joyful liturgical celebration than the Easter Vigil. It’s...