Fr. John Paul traveled to Dublin, Ireland with EWTN to cover the World Meeting of Families. Fr. John Paul also visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock. He prayed for a renewal in the Holy Priesthood, for all Bishops of the World and the Holy Father. He also brought to the Shrine your own personal intentions for healing in your own lives and families.
Where is Fr. Anthony?? Did he leave the order?
Thank you for the thoughtful concern you have expressed for Father Anthony Mary. Father has a chronic, non life threatening health condition that results in major bouts of fatigue forcing him to cut back on his normal schedule. Although he is largely unable to assist at our early morning, televised Mass he remains quite active midday, regularly offering Noon Mass for the EWTN employees, and hearing confessions. Father misses being with our EWTN family at the broadcast Mass but is grateful for your care and for your prayers. He sends his love to all of you.