EWTN’s 35th Anniversary Begins with Campus Blessing
IRONDALE, Ala. - EWTN's 35th anniversary of its founding, on the Solemnity of the Assumption, began...

The KoC Silver Rose Visits EWTN on its Pilgrimage to Mexico
IRONDALE, Ala. - The Alabama State Deputy of the Knights of Columbus, Pete Parrish and the Alabama o...

EWTN Begins Annual Anniversary Facilities Blessings
IRONDALE, Ala. - Friars and employees of the EWTN facilities warehouse, religious catalogue building...

Fr. Paschal Leads St. Clare Novena
HANCEVILLE, Ala.- Fr. Paschal ends a nine day novena to St. Clare with the solemn Transitus celebrat...
Vocations in Life
We are all called to become holy. That is the first vocation we have. Then there are vocations insid...

Fr. John Paul Participates in Women of Grace Leadership Seminar
AVE MARIA, FL - Fr. John Paul Mary travelled to Florida to participate in a Benedicta Leadership sem...

Br. John Therese Renews Vows
INONDALE, Ala. - On the feast of the Transfiguration, Br. John Therese Marie renewed his temporary v...

Fr. Patrick Begins Studies for Advanced Degree
DETROIT - Fr. Patrick Mary started four-year degree program for a Licentiate in Sacred T...

Fr. Mark Assists with WYD Broadcast Coverage
KRAKOW, Poland, - In the city known as the “the City of Saints,” Krakow Poland, Fr.Mark and the EWTN...

Friars Host Vocations Retreat
IRONDALE, Ala. - Five zealous and joyous vocation inquirers attended our Julyvocations retreat. The...