Of course, Catholics know that Sunday Mass is not optional. However, occasionally, there may be a grave reason that you are unable to make it. The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists both illness and caring for infants as examples of times that this may happen. A pastor may also give a dispensation, typically due to weather or other extreme circumstances, allowing parishioners to miss Mass.
What should you do if you encounter a situation which keeps you from fulfilling your Sunday obligation?
- Every attempt should be made to take part in the Liturgy of the Word through reading or listening to the Mass readings in your home. Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) offers a televised Mass several times a day for those who are unable to leave home.
- Spend time in prayer. Pray specifically for all those who are also unable to attend Mass.
- Make a Spiritual Communion.
- Observe the day of rest and avoid all unnecessary work.
For most of us, missing Mass will be a rare occasion, but there are many people who are unable to attend Mass because of chronic illness and other severe situations. Our community serves God through a variety of works, but one of the most important aspects of our apostolate is ensuring that all those who are homebound have the opportunity to watch and pray the Mass.
Through the ministry of EWTN, we have been privileged to help reach more than 250 million homes in 140 countries and territories with the Gospel message.
Thank you for the Mass. I am allergic to so many things that it makes it very difficult to attend Mass. I am deeply touched by your daily Mass.
Thank you for the masses on EWTN. I have had several surgeries on my spine and hips recently and have been essentially housebound. Your programs, masses, the rosary are very welcomed and comforting.
I am so deeply grateful for EWTN and its mission! I have 4 different musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and cardiac ailments that have progressed to the point that I am in such pain and weakness that I spend a major part of my days and weeks in bed stretched out to relieve some of the pain and pressure. I watch some TV to distract myself from it. But I especially love EWTN TV and RADIO because it is not mindless. It is comforting, consoling and inspiring, educational. It is my companion in hours of severe pain and loneliness. I love the Mass, various devotions, the films and talk shows, the teaching programs. Pretty much everything! It keeps me company in the wee hours when sleep is impossible. Uplifting when anxiety and sadness overwhelm me. I am so thankful and pray for all EWTN and the Friars etc. I have 2 questions: is there a possibility of including Liturgy of the Hours Lauds, Vespers, Compline in your programming now that you have various channels in various time zones globally? Second question is: would you consider late/older vocations to the priests and Brothers so that you can build up your membership esp to keep EWTN mission continuing? Thanks so much for your prayers and outreach to the sick, suffering and homebound. God bless you all!
I am so grateful to EWTN for broadcasting daily Mass, although much of it is in Latin and not English as it would be if I could attend Mass on my parrish
I am frequently homebound with Stage 4 COPD. Which renders me very vulnerable to infectios diseases. Even a cold require a hospital stay. I long to be a part of a dynamic worship and EWTN hps fulfill tjis need for. I live on limited income and cannot donate except at Christmas. But I can pray for ypur mission.
I do so wish I could a volunteer way of serving while homebound – serving in a way in addition to prayer. God bless you.
I am so grateful to EWTN for broadcasting daily Mass, although much of it is in Latin and not English as it would be if I could attend Mass in my parrish
I am frequently homebound with Stage 4 COPD. Which renders me very vulnerable to infectios diseases. Even a cold can require a hospital stay. I long to be a part of a dynamic worship community and EWTN helps fulfill tjis need for me. I live on a limited income and cannot donate except at Christmas. But I can pray for yp
Our mission.
I do so wish I could find a way to volunteer some kind of service while homebound – serving in a way in addition to prayer.
Pkease pray for me, and God bless you all God bless you all.
I am so grateful to EWTN for broadcasting daily Mass, although much of it is in Latin and not English as it would be if I could attend Mass in my parish.
I am frequently homebound with Stage 4 COPD which renders me very vulnerable to infectios diseases. Even a cold can require a hospital stay. I long to be a part of a dynamic worship community and EWTN helps fulfill this need for me. I live on a limited income and cannot donate except at Christmas. But I can pray for your mission.
I do so wish I could find a way to volunteer some kind of service while homebound – serving in a way in addition to prayer.
Please pray for me, and God bless you all.
My husband has Dementia and up till August he still was able to go to Mass as he also has been Chief Usher for over 50 years. He was able to get a ride most of The time. I have had 5 very complicated log back surgery’s , with long recoveries both hips replaced, and 1 knee replacement/then a revision/ then problems with the knee cap. So I have a difficult time and during my recover I found EW TN and that was quite a few years ago. I love the Chapel,as it is small and comforting. My husband I now watches yourMass every Sunday . Our only recent problem is that the Mass now quite often is said in Latin . I know no Latin, Denny remembers some from alter boy days. I know this is more common, but from our view point there could many people our age and younger invalids who do know Latin. I hope there is a time soon when more English could be put back in your Mass so-we again participate with you during the Mass . Sometimes I am not sure where you are as we do not have a book.
Thank you for reading my letter and please be sure that we enjoy being with you at Mass every Sunday and other times when we can. God bless you all .Please keep us in your prayers.
Sincerely Ginny & Denny
Thank you EWTN for providing us with Mass in home, especially now that the Novel Coronavirus has many of us “Safer in Home”. I have watched your Mass broadcasts many times over the years when I was unable to attend Mass locally. I am now incorporating the broadcast as a regular family activity on Sundays as a way to replace us going to Mass here in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. I pray that many of our fellow Catholics find their way to you as a replacement during these challenging times as our faith is tested at an even greater level. Please know that we appreciate the M.F.V.A. family and are praying for you the same as you pray for us. God Bless and God Will.
I’ve been Catholic my whole life. I attended mass regularly until I had a car accident and unable to drive. My church isn’t within walking distance of my house . There is a Lutheran Church with in walking distance of my house my house. But I love my Catholic Faith and don’t want to abandon my Catholic faith .It’s the only thing I know and was raised with . I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO