Commemorating Fatima 100 Years Later
On May 13th, 1917, Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in the fields of Fatima, Portugal. T...

Br. Matthew is Ordained to the Diaconate
The Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word thank and praise God for their new Deacon, Rev. Br....

7 Fascinating Facts About Saint Francis
7 Fascinating Facts About Saint Francis When most people think about Saint Francis, one of the fi...

12 Franciscan Saints You Should Know (Besides Saint Francis)
When Jesus famously appeared to Saint Francis in the dilapidated and falling down church of San Dami...

The Same Cookies That Saint Francis Of Assisi Ate
Saint Francis of Assisi is renowned to this day for embracing a simple life-style in the service of...

Summer Transitions For The Friars
Summer is a time of transition for many (graduations, weddings, etc.) and religious communities are...

MFVA Community Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
IRONDALE, Ala. - The Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word give glory and praise to God as the...

“Do Whatever He Tells You”
As we start this month dedicated to Our Lady, we are reminded of one of the few direct commands Mary...

So, You’re Interested In Becoming A Franciscan…
The call to the priesthood or consecrated religious life is one that takes much discernment and pray...

Celebrating Holy Week & Easter
CHRISM MASS // The Chrism Mass took place at the Cathedral of St. Paul on Tuesday of Holy Week and s...