Custodians of the Holy Land
As part of the response to God’s call to St. Francis to “rebuild my Church”, the Franciscans preserv...
Friars Lead Parish Mission and Retreat in Colorado Springs
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - Fr. Leonard and Br. Leo go on a mission of evangelizing and catechizing at...
Friars Honor Mother Angelica on 1st Anniversary of Her Death
IRONDALE, Ala. - The Friars offered prayers and Masses for Mother Angelica and recalled fond memorie...
Remembering Mother Angelica One Year Later
It has been one year since Mother Angelica, foundress of EWTN and the Franciscan Missionaries of the...
How An Irish Franciscan Gave Saint Patrick His Feast Day
Saint Patrick’s Feast Day has become one of the most celebrated days on the Roman Calendar by Cathol...
A Lent Full of Mercy
Lent is a busy season for all priests, and our community is no exception. As people seek to strength...
How St. Francis Spent 40 Days On An Island
At the beginning of Lent, many Catholics are beginning to plan how they will use this penitential se...
Practicing Detachment in Lent
As we approach the first days of Lent, in the Franciscan charism, we look to St. Francis’ example of...
Br. Matthew makes final Preparations for Ordination to the Diaconate!
Br. Matthew made his Oath of Fidelity and Profession of Faith at the Immaculate Conception Chapel on...
The 7 Decade Rosary
One unique devotion of the Franciscans is a seven-decade rosary known as the Franciscan Crown. While...